суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

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zumba fitness workout full video- Zumba Dance Workout For Beginners- zumba dance workout hip hop zumba fitness workout full video- Zumba Dance Workout Original article and pictures take https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OBUSTrZOMk site

Zero Calorie Food Chart

Zero Calorie Food Chart
Zero Calorie Food Chart [Infographic]

Without doubt, we can lose weight easier if we could eat on calorie-free foods throughout the day. Sadly, besides water and diet drinks, there is no such thing as food with a zero calorie or even negative-calorie. Fruit and vegetables that are promoted as having no calories, contain incredibly low caloric content and high levels of nutrients in them. Look at this zero calorie food chart to find out which one you can add in your diet plan. The fruits and veggies on this list keep your stomach full for much longer time and burns more excess calories during the digestion than it actually contains. See also the Surprising Problem with Calorie Counting and How Much Workout You Need To Burn Off Junk Foods. Original article and pictures take http://www.infogrades.com/health-infographics/zero-calorie-food-chart/ site

Zac Efron got so insanely jacked even The Rock thinks he's an 'animal.' Here's how.

Zac Efron got so insanely jacked even The Rock thinks he's an 'animal.' Here's how.

If you want to see Zac Efron with his shirt off, you needn’t look further than his slate of recent and upcoming films: Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising, out last month, in which he’s often shirtless; Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates, slated for August, which has him basically shirtless on the movie poster; and next year’s big-screen adaptation of ’90s TV series Baywatch, in which he’s routinely running on the beach—no surprise here—shirtless. A Google Images search for Efron yields hundreds of photographs that will make you feel terrible about your own fitness, as will looking him up on Instagram, where he’s lately contributed plenty of beefcake photos from the Baywatch set, where he and co-star Dwayne Johnson spend their off-hours engaged in bare-chested truck-tire-flipping contests. Though Efron, now 28, worked very hard to achieve his physique (the same shirtless torso that, in 2014’s Neighbors, caused Seth Rogen’s character to say, “He looks like something a gay guy designed in a laboratory”) and works even harder to maintain it (more on that later), he’s also aware the subject has begun to spin out of control. The furious online coverage of his pecs, lats, and delts expands daily, ranging from fawning and breathless (“This Woman Spraying Zac Efron’s Body Has Your Dream Job!”) to downright weird (“Are buff male stars like Zac Efron driving young men to drugs and eating disorders?”). And certainly Efron appreciates the love; but as a guy who spent years running away from the first, extremely popular, version of himself—Zac Efron, Pretty Boy Teen Idol—he admits he’s now wary of being typecast all over again, this time as Zac Efron, Shredded Human Ken Doll. But let’s be clear: That doesn’t mean Efron has any intention of letting himself go—as easy as that would be, given his ridiculous schedule. Play Video Play Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Remaining Time -0:00 This is a modal window. Foreground --- White Black Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan --- Opaque Semi-Opaque Background --- White Black Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan --- Opaque Semi-Transparent Transparent Window --- White Black Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan --- Opaque Semi-Transparent Transparent Font Size 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 175% 200% 300% 400% Text Edge Style None Raised Depressed Uniform Dropshadow Font Family Default Monospace Serif Proportional Serif Monospace Sans-Serif Proportional Sans-Serif Casual Script Small Caps Defaults Done It’s a Sunday in L.A., and we’re sitting at a table in the garden room of the trendy Soho House. He flew in early yesterday from the set of Baywatch, in Savannah, GA; so far he’s seen his girlfriend, slept a little, and filmed an entire day of reshoots on Neighbors 2, in which he reprises his role as Teddy. That shoot ran until 5 a.m., after which Efron spent some more time with his girlfriend, then caught a few hours of sleep before dragging himself out of bed to drive over to West Hollywood to talk about himself over brunch. As soon as we finish, he’ll go straight to the airport and fly back to Savannah, landing around 1 a.m., and by 7 tomorrow morning, he’ll be on set again, alongside the Rock, rescuing people pretending to drown. “It’s been a pretty gnarly schedule,” he says. It’s obvious he’s tired, and I half expect him to order a cheeseburger and a beer and prop up his feet. Instead, he digs into a small backpack and pulls out a plastic bottle, shakes it up, and sets it on the table. Inside is a yellow-brown liquid with a foamy head, comprising ingredients typed onto a label by his on-set nutritionist: mango, coconut, and lemongrass with coconut water, virgin coconut oil, Epic protein, and almond milk. He drinks a little, then adds water to dilute what’s left. When our iced coffees arrive, he pours a little of that into the bottle, too. So yeah: Zac Efron is so committed to his body that he’s BYO-health-drink at a place that offers at least five proprietary juice concoctions incorporating every conceivable type of vegetable as well as uniquely L.A.-ish ingredients like alkaline water, montmorillonite clay, and activated charcoal. In person, Efron is taller than I’d imagined—5'9"—and far less bulky. It’s not until he pushes his sleeve up to scratch at the remnants of a fake fraternity tattoo from the previous day’s shoot that I glimpse a sign of it: a giant biceps, ridged with veins. “I guess I forgot to scrub there,” he says. Efron sips his drink and grimaces a little. This is something to tolerate, not enjoy. And the payoff is a body that, he says, feels as good as it ever has. “Right now I’m probably the physically strongest I’ve ever felt,” he says. “Not in terms of bench press or how much I can squat, but in how quickly I could get out of this room and destroy everything in my path.” He looks around the room—at the parents with kids, the willowy young women and men eating in sunglasses to disguise their hangovers—and laughs. Maybe this isn’t the boldest pronouncement he’s ever made. “If the zombie apocalypse happened right now,” he says, “I’d definitely be able to defend myself.” Zac Efron knows you think he's a jackass Of course, Efron wasn't always recognized for being an obscenely fit man. Or, for that matter, for being a man at all. At the height of his early fame, circa 2007, Zac Efron was the extremely handsome teen star of Disney’s smash-hit High School Musical franchise who, according to a popularly cited but impossible-to-prove metric, was plastered on a third of all American teenage girls’ bedroom walls. Efron probably could have made a bazillion more High School Musical sequels, albums, and mall appearances, then retired into a life of wealthy obscurity. But he had other things in mind. “The second we finished the first one,” he says, he began to tell people this wasn’t the life he had in mind. “I was, like, 17. And I said, ‘Guys, you know this is not at all what I want to do?’ And they were like, ‘Really?’” After appearing in the 2007 musical Hairspray, Efron went on to his next post-HSM projects, the teen-girl-friendly films 17 Again and Charlie St. Cloud; but he quickly bailed on the Footloose remake and began to do, well, anything that wouldn’t typecast him. There were dramas (Parkland), thrillers (The Paperboy), indies (We Are Your Friends), grown-up romances (The Lucky One and That Awkward Moment, the latter a bro-fest co-starring Michael B. Jordan and Miles Teller). He even voiced a starring role in Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax, and poked fun at himself in several Funny Or Die sketches. Off-set Efron was experimenting, too. He became a recurring character in the tabloids for a series of social shenanigans that culminated in early 2014, when he got into a fight with a homeless man under a downtown L.A. overpass. He went to rehab, emerged sober, and immediately owned up to his problems, telling The Hollywood Reporter that it was all part of being young, single, and successful in the industry. “I’m human,” he said. “I’ve made a lot of mistakes. Then in May 2014, Neighbors came out, and the “Efronaissance” began: The former teen idol surprised nearly everyone in Hollywood by playing a lovably arrogant prick and showing formidable comedic chops. The R-rated comedy earned more than $260 million and became the highest-grossing live-action film of co-star Seth Rogen’s career; but the biggest surprise was probably that Efron stole the movie. Like Justin Timberlake before him, he seemed to successfully shed any former teen-idol lameness and managed to come out the other side not only respectable and unscathed but also cool. And yet, Efron is nowhere near ready to declare this transformation complete. “I step back and look at myself and I still want to kick that guy’s ass sometimes,” Efron says of his former self. “Like, fuck that guy. He’s done some kind of cool things with some cool people—he did that one thing [Neighbors] that was funny—but, I mean, he’s still just that fucking kid from [High School Musical].” That’s how Rogen felt, too, when he ran into Efron at a party a few years back. “For sure, I assumed he’d be a guy I wouldn’t like very much,” Rogen told me. “But he was very self-effacing and self-deprecating, and I remember really liking him. He won me over.” Efron says Rogen “was and is my hero” and confesses he never considered working with him “within the realm of possibility.” In their initial meeting about Neighbors, Efron recalls speaking first. “I said, ‘I know what you think of me. I know because I don’t like me, so I can’t imagine what you think.’” According to Rogen, it’s this self-awareness that makes Efron so endearing—it provides a level of psychological complexity that gives his characters a depth they might not otherwise have. “What’s surprising about him is how sympathetic and vulner-able he seems,” Rogen says, “probably because people view him a certain way and he’s been shit on. He’s someone you sympathize with, and that’s really hard to do when you look the way he does.” “I know that’s how people think, and it’s in the back of my mind all the time,” Efron says. “I ultimately want that person to want to see me in another interesting role. And that can only come with time, respect, and making decisions that are hard.” If you look closely enough, there are plenty of signs of this process at work, often in unlikely places. The previous night, I’d stumbled on something online I hadn’t seen before: Efron was the first-ever celebrity guest on Running Wild with Bear Grylls, the survival spin-off in which Grylls takes celebrities—most recently President Obama—into the wild and teaches (or tries to teach) them to fend for themselves. The episode opens with Efron and Grylls skydiving from a helicopter to begin their quest. Efron had jumped a grand total of once in preparation, and that was with an instructor at a much higher altitude. But then the show called for him to make a 5,000-foot solo jump with a self-deploying chute. To viewers at home, Efron jumped out, the chute opened, and he landed. In reality, he says, what happened was “one of the worst things possible.” To be more specific, he almost died when the lead chute’s cord tangled around his ankle and wouldn’t deploy. “As I was going head-first toward the ground, I thought to myself, ‘Something’s wrong here,’” Efron recalls. He could feel the tension of the chute’s cord tightening around his leg, “and everything went kind of white and I started to say, ‘Don’t panic, don’t panic, reach for your reserve!’” Jumping from only 5,000 feet doesn’t give a person much time to react, but he did everything he could to free his leg. “I just started kicking wildly,” he says. “Then all of a sudden, shoomp!, the parachute came out. And I went, ‘Oh my God, that was close.’” Perhaps most surprisingly, he then just brushed it off. “I haven’t really told anybody this since then,” he says. He adored Grylls, and the two wandered around the woods for two days, snacking on worms, rappelling down cliffs, and camping out in a cave, where they joked and told stories. “This is a guy who’s not in the entertainment industry,” Efron says. “I don’t know what he knew of my work or if he’d seen any of it, but I was so grateful he was interested in who I was. I felt like I was talking to just a guy, a dude, with no judgments. He came in with no preconceived notions, and we talked about awesome stuff.” From the court to the stage Efron was born in San Luis Obispo, on California's central coast, and spent his childhood there with his younger brother, Dylan, who’s now his roommate in Los Feliz. Their father, an electrical engineer at a power plant, and mother, a secretary who worked at the same facility, gave their boys a fairly normal middle-class life. Efron recalls that, throughout his school years, he had one defining trait: his height, or lack thereof. “I was the shortest kid in every grade, by a long shot,” he says, and only 5'1" by the time he left high school. He didn’t reach his current height until he turned 20. His dad pushed both sons to try sports. Zac played baseball but quit at 13 when his size became a real hindrance. So he switched to basketball, “and rode the bench for most of the year.” He scored a total of two points that season and says that when he made that lone shot—a layup that only happened because the defense assumed he wasn’t worth guarding—“everybody [in the crowd] fucking lost it. Literally the parents stood up. My team lost it.” In the end it was a piano teacher who saved Efron from a life of athletic ridicule, recommending that his parents let him audition for a show at a nearby conservatory after hearing him sing a Michael Jackson song. Efron auditioned for Gypsy, got the part, “and that was it.” The show ran 60 performances. “Once I found theater, I’d do anything to get onstage,” he says. He took drama classes and continued to win parts at the conservatory, practicing and performing alongside college students and even professional actors from the area. “I was, like, 13, 14, and thrust into this world where my parents weren’t allowed, with college girls and dudes who loved to share knowledge, and it opened up a whole new world for me.” For all our talk about getting away from the past, it’s obvious Efron still cares deeply about musical theater. “I’d love to find a way to reinvent a musical,” he says when I ask if he’d do it again. But for now, Efron’s reading scripts and taking meetings—but, he says, every audition is still a fight. “The only way people really get me is if they meet me,” he says. “Until that happens, I don’t think they have their heart set on me for any role. Afterward, maybe they take me more seriously.” Zac Efron earned his Baywatch body Efron’s fitness goal, especially for Baywatch, is to be “fast and light.” His physical archetype is Bruce Lee. “I want to be lean,” he says. “When I put on a T-shirt, I don’t want people to go, ‘Oh, that guy’s a bodybuilder.’” To consume enough calories to carry out Baywatch’s many physically difficult scenes yet keep his body fat minimal, Efron eats a diet designed by his nutritionist, trainer Patrick Murphy: Every element—carbohydrates, fat, salt, vitamins—is broken out for every meal, so both he and the nutritionist can see exactly what he’s putting into his body. The diet is extremely low-carb, with an emphasis on fully organic whole foods. “After a while your body stops craving junk food and you look forward to these meals,” he says. When I express my skepticism, he explains further. “There’s this trigger that happens after two or three weeks of dieting and eating healthy food, where your body switches its primary energy source from burning mainly carbohydrates to burning fat,” he explains. “And when it switches over, all your cravings change. You go, ‘Holy cow, I want kale and vinaigrette shredded with beets and a little bit of sweet potato!’” I wait for him to laugh. He doesn’t. Efron was no less serious about the fitness regimen created for him by Murphy, who spent 10 weeks helping him “drop the last bit of body fat” and “get into the best shape of his life.” It wasn’t a superfluous task: “Many actors train hard for a specific scene,” Murphy says—but Efron was prepping to shoot an entire film wearing, for the most part, nothing but swim trunks and a whistle. Murphy trained him five or six days a week, often twice a day, mixing balance and agility, strength, and endurance training, plus swimming and sprinting/hiking to create what he calls “the most dynamic program I’ve ever put together for a client.” A few weeks after our chat in L.A., Efron has a rare day off in Savannah, and I manage to get him on the phone. One thing I’d wanted to ask him about in L.A., before we ran out of time, was his sobriety. Efron battled some very public drug and alcohol issues, and he’s been forthright about those episodes ever since. He says he’d even discussed those days with Grylls on the show. “I was caring less about the work and more about the weekend,” he told Grylls as the two prepared to eat an omelet made of wild bird eggs and earthworms. “I don’t want to have to take anything from the outside to feel good on the inside.” And when I bring it up, Efron doesn’t flinch. Working out has definitely helped, he says. “When I’m very careful about my fitness and have a goal in mind, it keeps me motivated and balanced. I wake up earlier. I don’t feel the need to be out—that kills your day, your hobbies, and your motivation.” Fitness, he says, is now a key part of a formula that seems to be working: “Balancing sobriety and work and finding that comfortable place where you feel like a good person.” Being exiled to Savannah to work for weeks alongside the Rock isn’t likely to lead to a relapse, either. Johnson, Efron says, is exactly what any of us imagine him to be: a superhero in corporeal form, “like the genes just clicked and made this dude.” Efron wakes up at 5 a.m. to train—but the Rock rises by 4. “He’s getting less sleep than I am and he already did a post on Instagram at 5:30, doing the most ridiculous leg day you’ve ever seen,” Efron says. “He’s reached nirvana—muscle nirvana.” The admiration, it turns out, is mutual. “Athletes know how hard it is to prep, train, and diet for a competition,” Johnson says. “It’s months of focused sacrifice all leading up to one particular event that takes place in one night. In the case of Baywatch, Zac’s had to apply the diet and training strategy of an elite athlete, but he’s also had the ‘added bonus’ of needing to maintain that look for months while we’re shooting. Zac committed to be the best version of himself possible and did it. He came in looking like a fucking animal.” The two have been gleefully bro-ing out ever since. Early on set one day, as the cameras were preparing to roll, Johnson noticed Efron working with some elastic bands—“to, as Arnold says, ‘get the pump on,’” he explains. Johnson asked Efron to toss one his way, and the two commenced prepping their movie-star muscles for the first scenes. The surreality of the moment poured over Efron like a bucket of nacho cheese. “Here we are lifting weights on the beach, surrounded by a bunch of people watching. It was one of the most ridiculously narcissistic moments of my life.” And with that, Efron has to go. He’s late to be fitted for a new carbon-fiber road bike his manager bought him so he can take up endurance cycling. “Hopefully, I’ll be able to tell you about my first triathlon sometime,” he says. The way he’s going, it’ll probably be the Ironman. Original article and pictures take http://www.mensfitness.com/life/entertainment/zac-efron-mens-fitness-feature-june-2016-baywatch-neighbors site



Original article and pictures take http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbqgT7J2z-4&feature=youtu.be site

Your Guide To Quick Weight Loss

Your Guide To Quick Weight Loss
Your Guide To Quick Weight Loss - Weight Loss Tips And How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Have you let yourself go a bit in recent months or years? Do you have a special event coming up soon? Wouldn’t you like to look like your old self for that special day? Losing weight quickly is something many of us strive to do from time to time, but it can be difficult. Some of you may even believe that quick weight loss is impossible to achieve short of starving yourself. However, this is simply not true. The following article will teach you how you can safely lose weight quickly and keep that weight off. Read on and learn some great tips for losing weight fast! The first step you are going to take is to substitute all of your beverages with water. So goodbye to sodas and juices that are full of unnecessary sugar. You’d be surprised to learn how many extra calories you can consume from sodas alone, and these calories have no nutritional benefits other than expanding your waist line. Some of you may find it difficult to drink only water all day every day, but give it time, and you’ll soon see that your cravings for sugary drinks will go away, and you will enjoy much more energy throughout the day when you drink enough water. Strive to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water each day (more if you are working out). Carrying around a water bottle will make it much easier for you to get your daily requirements of water as it will always be around so you never forget to drink up. If you are serious about losing weight in a hurry then you are going to have to find some way to burn calories. Now running 5 miles a day would do the job, but lets be honest, who on earth wants to do that? Rather, it is important that you find an activity that you enjoy doing so that you can stay motivated during your weight loss journey. Try playing basketball or any other sport that you enjoy, and you will soon see the pounds start to melt away. When it comes to losing weight quickly, you must burn more calories than you consume. For this reason, it is of the utmost importance that you keep your portions small when you do it. This doesn’t mean you have to starve yourself, but you should be making a conscious habit of eating only what you need to sustain your energy throughout the day. Try breaking your meals into 5 small meals instead of 3 larger ones so that you feel fuller throughout the entire day. We’ve just gone over a few of the many ways you can help yourself lose weight quickly. You should take the time and do some research on your own to find even more helpful ways to lose weight, but if you implement the tips mentioned in this article, you are sure to drop those pounds in not time and enjoy the body you once had. Good luck! Original article and pictures take http://www.gethealthytip.com/your-guide-to-quick-weight-loss/ site

Your Guide to a Healthy Thyroid Video Series

Your Guide to a Healthy Thyroid Video Series

Watch as Dr. Oz explains the symptoms of thyroid issues and what you can do to stay healthy. Original article and pictures take http://www.doctoroz.com/video-series/your-guide-healthy-thyroid?video_id=1848153330001 site

Your Get-Ripped-Fast Plan

Your Get-Ripped-Fast Plan

We're going to keep this short and sweet, carb cycling works. It burns fat, and allows for muscle growth and recovery. But, we hope you’ve got a handle on basic math, because it requires some number-crunching at first. Generally speaking, a high-carb day should include 1.5–2.5g of carbs and 1–1.25g of protein per pound of your body weight, along with as little fat as possible. Low-carb days should include 0.5–1.0g of carbs, 1.25–1.5g of protein, and 0.15–0.35g of fat per pound of your body weight. You can adjust the numbers as your diet progresses. Play Video Play Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Remaining Time -0:00 This is a modal window. Foreground --- White Black Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan --- Opaque Semi-Opaque Background --- White Black Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan --- Opaque Semi-Transparent Transparent Window --- White Black Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan --- Opaque Semi-Transparent Transparent Font Size 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 175% 200% 300% 400% Text Edge Style None Raised Depressed Uniform Dropshadow Font Family Default Monospace Serif Proportional Serif Monospace Sans-Serif Proportional Sans-Serif Casual Script Small Caps Defaults Done Here’s what sample low- and high-carb days would look like for a 180-pound guy. (go to page two for the high-carb day) [pagebreak] Original article and pictures take http://www.mensfitness.com/nutrition/what-to-eat/your-get-ripped-fast-plan?page=2 site

Your Do-Anywhere, Total-Body Workout

Your Do-Anywhere, Total-Body Workout
Your Do-Anywhere, Total-Body Workout

Traveling doesn’t have to wreck havoc on your regular training routine. That’s why we love a "portable" WOD (workout of the day), so you can still sneak in a sweat without, well, sweating the details of where to do it and what equipment you need. The CrossFit-style circuit below targets your entire body and spikes your heart rate for an effective and fast workout on the go. The routine was created by Jordan Holland, owner at XPLORE CROSSFIT in Seattle and photographed at the revamped fitness center at Kimpton Seattle’s Alexis Hotel. And while every hotel may not have the luxe equipment and spacious floor plan (a two-room workout center!) as the Alexis, this is effective workout is the ultimate no-excuses routine you can do anytime, anywhere. You'll do each exercise back-to-back (or with as little rest as possible) for a total-body workout in eight minutes. If you have more time, repeat the circuit one or two more times. So bookmark this circuit workout, then book your next vacation—just don’t forget to pack your sneakers. V Ups Lie face up with arms and legs extended and resting on the floor. Keep abs tight and lift hands and feet to meet over torso. Lower your arms and legs back to the floor to complete 1 rep. Do as many reps as possible for 1 minute. Jump Lunges Start in lunge position. Explode up switching feet in midair, landing in a lunge with the opposite foot forward. Do as many reps as possible for 1 minute. IYTs Lie face down with arms extended overhead and thumbs pointed to the ceiling. Lift arms off floor as high as you can go (creating an "I" shape with body), pause then lower arms to floor. Now move arms out 45 degrees to form a "Y," and lift, pause and lower. Then move arms to shoulder height and repeat one more time in the "T" position to complete 1 rep. Do as many reps as possible for 1 minute. Goblet Squats Stand tall with feet hip-width apart and hold the top of a dumbbell (hands supporting the weight from underneath) at chest height. Hinge at hips to lower butt toward ground aiming to get thighs parallel to floor. Push through heels to return to standing. Do as many reps as possible for 1 minute. No dumbbell—just do bodyweight squats! Push-Ups Start in a plank position with wrists below shoulders. Bend elbows and lower torso as close to ground as possible. Push through palms to straighten arms. Modify this move by dropping to knees. Do as many reps as possible for 1 minute. Mountain Climbers Start in high plank. Step right foot forward planting foot on ground near right hand. Hop feet off floor and switch legs, landing with left foot near left palm. Continue alternating sides and do as many reps as possible for 1 minute. Burpees Start standing. Squat down until hands touch floor and kick feet back into a plank position. Drop chest to floor, then jump feet wide, then to the sides of hands, then back to standing position. Jump up and immediately move to the next rep. Do as many reps as possible for 1 minute. Renegade Rows Start in high plank, each hand holding on to a dumbbell that is resting on the floor. Move feet wider than shoulders. Pull right elbow back, raising dumbbell toward chest keeping right elbow close to torso, abs tight and hips facing down. Lower weight and repeat on the opposite side. Do as many reps as possible for 1 minute. Photo Credit: Getty, Courtesy of Alexis Hotel Original article and pictures take http://www.self.com/fitness/workouts/2015/09/crossfit-workout-total-body-travel-friendly/ site

You Should Not Miss This Essential Advice About Vitamins And Minerals

You Should Not Miss This Essential Advice About Vitamins And Minerals

===================== Check out the best rated bamboo cutting board with silicone edges and matching color best rated bamboo utensil sets on Amazon.com: ===================== Eating right is essential to feeling hood, but that should be obvious. Additionally, getting the right amount of exercise every day will help you stay in great shape. If you want to learn something new, read this article on vitamins. If you’re working out regularly, you need to be taking vitamins. Your body must be fed and nourished by supplemental nutrients so it can get rid of fat, build new muscle tissue, and recover quickly after workouts. Vitamins can be synthesized for body usage, so you need to learn how certain vitamins and minerals mix with each other. One good example is the fact that calcium can prevent the body from absorbing iron. Try not to have two forms of nutrients that react poorly with one another. Good bone health starts with calcium. Your body needs vitamin D, though, to properly absorb the calcium. You can get vitamin D through food, of course, as well as supplements or just spending time in the sun. This can help you to absorb the necessary calcium that you need. Supplements with fats should always be taken with some food. Some examples of supplements that must be taken with a meal include vitamins E, K and A. These fat soluble vitamins need fat to be properly absorbed. Do you want to be healthier? Eat more minerals and vitamins. The addition of vitamins to an already healthy diet maximizes health for less money than a visit to a physician. Vitamin B2 Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, can be found in dairy products, bananas, green beans, asparagus and popcorn. Too little riboflavin, also called vitamin B2, can cause cracked lips, scaly skin, and reduced hemoglobin and red blood cells. This nutrient also stops cancer, carpal tunnel, and anemia. Supplementing vitamins and minerals is more important now than ever. Many of the items in a grocery store are over-processed, removing many of the nutrients contained in the original ingredients. Multivitamins are a good place to start, so find a natural option and give it a try. If you are post-menopausal, don’t take prenatal vitamins. Because of the benefits of these supplements for nails and hair, many woman take them. For post-menopausal women, these vitamins contain too much iron. Citrus fruits can be a great source of vitamin C. Supplements can be taken if your diet is not rich in vitamins. This vitamin prevents colds, acne, gum disease and other conditions. If that’s not enough, studies have proven that vitamin C also helps those with dementia and ADHD. Talk to your doctor about which vitamins and minerals you are deficient in. If so, that is the best place to begin your supplement program. Look into claims about certain vitamins and minerals. Most adverts want to sell you a product, sometimes at the cost of omission. Always question the information you get. If you cannot get the information you need, speak with a doctor before beginning any supplement. Try getting more manganese in your diet. Manganese helps bones to form and speeds the healing of cuts. This mineral boosts your carbohydarte, protein and cholesterol metabolisms. It can be found in teas, beans, almonds, and whole grains. Manganese supplements can also be found in vitamin stores or online. Prescription drugs may not work well with your vitamin regimen. Some reactions can be fatal. When talking to your doctor about medications, let them know about any supplements you are taking. When you buy over-the-counter medicine, speak with the pharmacist to ensure no adverse effects. Try to eat your vegetables raw or steamed. The heating or cooking process minimizes the potency of vitamins in food. If you choose to cook vegetables, steaming is the best option to maintain needed nutrients. You can still get vitamins from frozen veggies, but be sure to avoid overcooking them. Depression correlates with a diet low in vitamin D, Omega-3 and magnesium. Everyone raves about Omega-3, and it makes sense. Omega 3 supports your brain, central nervous system, joint function and much more. Magnesium is a mineral that calms your nerves. Now that you know a thing or two about this, you’re ready to put the info to use. Although this article gave you new knowledge on maintaining good health, do not neglect to further your education through other sources. Working hard can help you succeed! ===================== We are so proud to have the First and the Second place on Amazon's Hot New Releases list. Thank you... ===================== Check out the best rated bamboo cutting board with silicone edges and matching color best rated bamboo utensil sets on Amazon.com: ===================== Original article and pictures take http://thekitchenlove.com/vitaminsandminerals/you-should-not-miss-this-essential-advice-about-vitamins-and-minerals/ site

You Probably Didn't Know These 25 Foods Help Build Muscle

You Probably Didn't Know These 25 Foods Help Build Muscle
You Probably Didn't Know These 25 Foods Help Build Muscle

Building muscle happens when you find the balance between strategic strength training and an eating plan (that should include proper protein and healthy carbohydrates while limiting refined sugars, processed food, and artificial ingredients). However, that doesn’t mean you have to settle for the same salmon and kale for lunch and a dry chicken breast for dinner! Here's a compilation of 25 muscle building foods that can add variety to your diet and help you sculpt those muscles into flex-worthy shape. 1. Oysters: Another seafood pick that offers the mineral zinc, oysters are rich in protein and help replenish muscles broken down from training. 2. Vinegar: Not only a nice pairing with your olive oil for salads, but when paired with carbohydrates, it acts as an agent to cause those carbs to be stored as muscle glycogen, rather than stored fat. 3. Green tea: Green tea is a wonderful antioxidant and diuretic that has also been linked to fat loss and improved blood circulation. A perfect substitute for coffee when in muscle mode! If you haven't tried our Detox Green Tea you are seriously missing out. Give it a go already! 4. Eggs: A whole egg is a perfect pick for a protein punch. And don’t get rid of the yolk! When trying to build muscle, the yolk contains beneficial nutrients worthy of consumption. We're currently salivating over these 11 incredible egg recipes. >> VIDEO: How To Hard-Boil An Egg 5. Broccoli: Not only is broccoli low in calories and filling, it also contains a significant amount of soluble fiber, which aids in fat loss. Who doesn't love a fat loss bonus?! 6. Chocolate milk: Another option containing the slow-digesting protein, casein, chocolate milk has been touted as not only a great post-workout recovery drink, but a good source of necessary carbs. 7. Almonds: These nuts stack up high when it comes to fiber and protein in comparison to most nut options. They also contain vitamin B, a vitamin linked to energize metabolism. Try Skinny Mom's yummy Fruit and Almond Trail Mix, which is kid-tested and mommy-approved. 8. Raspberries: Raspberries contain the most fiber of all berries. A fiber-filled diet is imperative for proper digestion and muscle sculpting. The antioxidants can also help regulate metabolic rates and insulin sensitivity. 9. Avocados: Packed with monounsaturated fat, the “good” fat, avocados can help eliminate weight from the midsection while containing a host of 20 different essential nutrients. 10. Quinoa: An option over grains that is high in amino acids, which sets it apart from most carbohydrates in your diet. Team Skinny Mom is quinoa-obsessed. Try our Quinoa Mexi-Lime recipe! 11. Apples: Offering electrolytes, carbs and fiber, apples are a great post-workout snack and option for adding muscle mass to your physique. 12. Spinach: Not only known as a superfood, the calcium in spinach can help to relax muscles and prevent cramping during muscle training intervals. 13. Mussels: Just say yes to seafood, and especially these muscle-building mussels. High in protein and low in fat, mussels also contain B12, which is essential for active individuals. 14. Extra virgin olive oil: Another source of monounsaturated “good” fat, extra virgin olive oil is a great enhancement to your salads and vegetable servings when in muscle-building mode. 15. Oats: Oats are high in fiber, yet offer low sugar and carbohydrate options needed for lasting energy when muscle training. Look for whole rolled oats and avoid processed options. We love starting the day with Slow Cooker Oats topped with blueberries. NOM. 16. Turkey: Turkey weighs in as one of the leanest meat options available. Packed with protein, turkey paired with vegetables can make for a hearty and muscle-friendly meal. 17. Carrots: Not only a source of vitamins, carrots are also rich in fiber and low in calories. They make an easy grab-and-go snack raw or can be cooked as a side dish with meals. 18. Cottage cheese: Also containing casein, cottage cheese additionally contains an average of 28 grams of protein in one cup! Choosing a low-fat cottage cheese is a great option provided it has not been supplemented with extra sugar or sodium. 19. Lentils: A perfect side dish with lean meats or vegetables, lentils offer fiber, protein, and slow-digesting carbohydrates most desirable when training to strengthen muscles. 20. Beets: Packed with natural nitrates, beets stand up to improve lasting performance when it comes to vasodilatation, or widening of blood vessels, which inhibits muscle growth. 21. Black beans: Don’t save these gems for taco night. Eating black beans provides you with vitamins B, K, C, and A, which are low in saturated fats. It’s a high protein and fiber food that is low in calories. Yes, please! 22. Salmon: One of these best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, salmon cannot be left off of any list for those who want to improve their physique. Look for wild salmon over farm-raised, which can be raised on corn and grain feed. From salmon burgers to salmon sushi bowls, we've got you covered in the superfood salmon department. 23. Venison: It may not be a meat that you come across often, but when you do, take advantage! Venison is high in iron and low in saturated fat and an excellent source of protein that packs flavor and nutrition. 24. Brown rice: A staple on most body builder diets, brown rice offers complex carbohydrates which lead to lasting energy for athletes. Look for whole grain options when shopping for this staple. 25. Greek yogurt: With more than twice the protein of regular yogurt, Greek yogurt is a great source to turn to when focused on muscle enhancement. Just be careful to avoid Greek yogurt with artificial colors, added sugars, and artificial ingredients. Greek yogurt also contains casein, a slow digesting milk protein to help keep you feeling full longer. Don't let your meals become boring — add some of these foods for a good variety and watch those muscles grow! Original article and pictures take http://www.skinnymom.com/2014/02/04/say-hello-to-the-best-25-muscle-building-foods/ site

You need to try Cory Gregory's 'anabolic fasting' for incredible lean gains

You need to try Cory Gregory's 'anabolic fasting' for incredible lean gains

What if we told you there was a way to build strength and muscle but stay incredibly lean all at the same time? You'd probably think we were bullshitting - we thought the same thing to be fair. But natural bodybuilder, powerlifter and fitness model Cory Gregory looks like he's stumbled upon the Holy Grail of dieting. The Muscle Pharm founder has created something he has dubbed 'anabolic fasting' which he credits for helping him get bigger and stronger while keeping himself looking peeled. What is this witchcraft you might ask? It's basically a hybrid diet he has devised using the best elements from two separate diets - one primed for muscle growth and the other for fat loss. Anabolic fasting is a clever combination of Dr Mauro DiPasquale's famous 'Anabolic Diet' and the popular 'intermittent fasting' concept. You've probably heard of intermittent fasting - where you basically do all your eating in an eight hour 'window' and then fast the rest of the time. Proponents says for the 16 hours you don't eat, you're basically burning your body fat as fuel. But most people won't have heard of the 'Anabolic Diet'. It's basically a way of manipulating carbs and fats, and your body's hormonal response to them, to optimise fat burning and muscle building. High fats and low carbs during the week to get your body in fat burning mode and then the opposite at the weekend where pigging out on carbs helps replenish your muscles glycogen stores and brings a huge anabolic gains similar to that when bodybuilders finally get a cheat meal after a competition. Gregory pretty much discovered it by accident, as he explained on the Barbell Shrugged podcast. ''Most bodybuilders go through this diet process for 12 to 15 weeks and then the night of the show they eat everything in sight. ''They usually look better the next day, because there's such an anabolic effect when you load those carbohydrates...and it's usually at night too. ''So they're eating all this food and their body is reacting and all their hormones have spiked. So he (Dr DiPasquale) was like 'how do I create a diet plan that does that weekly?' What he devised was a plan that was high in saturated fats and protein but low in carbs for most of the week, followed by high carbs days at the weekend to reap the anabolic effects of the hormone insulin which is released when you eat carbs. ''So it's all about insulin stability and loading carbs at the proper time. ''I took bits of that diet that I liked - the carb spike areas I liked and the elevating hormones at a certain time. ''One thing he taught me was that if you spike insulin properly then GH (growth hormone) and test (Testosterone) comes with it.'' While he was following the Anabolic Diet protocol, followers on the internet were asking him about intermittent fasting. Gregory says he was always brought up to believe six meals a day was the only way to eat if you train. But he gave the IF a crack, just eating two meals over an eight hour period. ''Everyone had been asking me about intermittent fasting online like crazy. I had never given it a shot before. ''I gave intermittent fasting a true run but then by default I ate how I normally eat which is similar to the Anabolic Diet. ''So when I meshed them together I started getting leaner, I started feeling good and then I was getting ready for a shoot and I could get ready in four weeks but my numbers were still going up. ''My strength was still going up and I was looking better.'' So how does it work? Basically Gregory eats just two meals a day during an eight hour window and then includes something late at night that will give him an insulin spike - something carb based. One meal at midday, one meal at 6pm and then some carbs in the evening. ''I have two quality meals a day then a spike before bed. ''I eat at 12 o'clock. Protein veg and a fat. I keep my insulin stable all day. My carbs don't come until night. I'm completely the opposite to how I started off in this business. I used to think 'you can't eat carbs before bed' and I was into the whole five meals a day. ''If you control insulin, you control how you feel and you control how you perform. That insulin crash is why everyone crashes at 3pm at their desk after they've eaten pasta for lunch.'' By eating just fats and proteins for his first meal he ensures that his insulin levels don't spike (where we get a burst of energy and then a crash). He also eats lots of vegetables to keep him full and stays hydrated throughout the day. The best bit of his new protocol is that he doesn't have to weigh any food and that he can still pig out at the weekends and not lose his shred. ''I like jalepeno potato chips and I like dark beer. I'm a family man, I have three kids and they like to go for ice cream. ''How do I balance being a regular guy and this maniac fitness dude? ''So I'd smash nine tacos on a Friday and I'd wake up the next day and my (muscle) pump would be nasty. ''I'd do the same again on the Saturday night - one meal and some beers. ''Then when Sunday comes, bring it back tight to the protocol. Then Monday is like 'boom' I don't look no different.'' This sounds like a diet plan we could get on board with. Here is Gregory talking more about it from around 37 minutes in... Share Original article and pictures take http://www.joe.co.uk/fitness-health/you-need-to-try-anabolic-fasting-for-incredible-lean-gains/91367 site

YOU have questions, WE have answers!

YOU have questions, WE have answers!

YOU have questions, WE have answers! How does the Ultimate Body Applicator work? It tightens, tones, and firms the target area through a natural process. For more detailed explanation, click here. When should I see results? Everyone is different and results will vary, however with that being said, the majority of Applicator users see results with their first application and within 45 minutes. What if I do not see results with the first application? Do not panic. Although the majority will see some results with the first application, some will not and take longer. Almost everyone sees results within 4 applications of the Ultimate Body Applicator. How long will my results last? Once again, everyone is different and results will vary but as long as you do not do any drastic changes in eating (pig-out) your results should stay solid. You can also use the Defining Gel to help maintain your results. A regular wrap schedule will also help maintain your results. Is there anything I can do to improve my wrap results? It is recommended to drink water consistently the day of wrapping and for 72 hours thereafter. How much water do I need to drink? It is recommended to drink at least half of your body weight of water daily. This is a good healthy practice with or without the wrap but with the wrap it will accelerate the fat detoxification process and maintain results. For example it you weigh 150lbs you should drink at least 75oz of water a day. How often can I wrap? You can wrap every 72 hours. Can I use more than one wrap at a time? As long as it is not on the same target area simultaneously (as this does not increase results and wastes a body wrap) then you can use up to 2 body wraps at a time. For example if you want to wrap your stomach and your arms at the same time than you can, but do NOT use two wraps on your stomach. IT is recommended that you only use one wrap on your first few applications to let your body get used to the process. How long should I leave the body applicator on? You should leave the body wrap on for a minimum of 45 minutes and no longer than 8 hours. Please note that the majority of the work (97-98%) is completed in the first 45 minutes so 45 minutes is enough to do the job. What body parts can I wrap? You can use the It Works Body Applicator anywhere from neck down. If you want to benefit your face, then you can use the It Works Facial Applicator. What ingredients are in the Ultimate Body Wrap? All ingredients are natural and for a complete list, click here. What is the It Works customer loyal program? In brief, it is where you can obtain your product a wholesale pricing (40% off) for life for a one time commitment of a monthly auto-ship for three months. For more details, click here. Can I cancel my auto-ship at any time? Yes it is easy to cancel. You can cancel within your login area you are given as a loyal customer or you can call the It Works office in Florida. You will be charged a one- time fee of $50 for cancellation if you cancel before you complete your three month auto-ship commitment which was the cost of the program that was waived for your 3 month commitment. Can I earn money by sharing this with my friends and other people? Yes, since It Works products, including the Ultimate Body Applicator is only available through It Works Independent distributors. You can become an It Works distributor easily. For details on how, click here. Does It Works have other products besides the Ultimate Body Applicator? Yes, It Works Global believes in healthy natural weight loss and health support. Therefore they have everything from vitamins and protein to scar removal cream and menopause support. You can review the It Works product line here. What is your return policy? Since results will vary, there are no product guarantees. Returns must be in original wrapping in order to be accepted. For more info please visit here. You have up to 30 days for returns. If you have any questions that were not covered above, please contact us and we will be happy to help you. Original article and pictures take http://ultimatebodywrap.com/faq site

Yoga Morning Routine Workout (Download PDF)

Yoga Morning Routine Workout (Download PDF)
Yoga Morning Routine Workout (Download PDF)

An energizing morning yoga practice can work as a natural stimulant to set you up for a productive day. While an hour-long yoga class would be ideal to get the day started, unfortunately sometimes we don’t have the time. This short yoga morning routine encourages the use of breathing and gentle movement. Practice a few minutes a day and reap the full benefits. Scroll Below To See Full Instructions Along With Our Printable PDF For The Yoga Morning Routine Workout 1) 8 yoga exercises 2) Instructions on how to perform each exercise 3) Infographic with visual instructions to follow online 4) Print PDF available at the end of the infographic CHILD POSE WIDE LEG CHILD POSE DOWNWARD POSE UPWARD POSE LOW LUNGE LUNGE TWIST CHEST TO THIGH LOTUS POSE How To Do A Child Pose 1) On a mat start in a kneeling position with your thighs touching. 2) Drop your butt toward your heels and stretch your body forward with your stomach comfortably on top of your thighs. 3) In a fully stretched position rest your arms in a relaxed position in front of you on the floor and rest your forehead on the mat. You should feel a stretch in your shoulders, buttocks, spine and arms. How To Do A Wide Leg Child Pose Repeat child pose with the exception of placing your legs wide apart as noted in the image above. How To Do A Downward Pose 1) Start in a standing position. 2) Place your hands in a prayer position. 3) Inhale and raise your hands up fully extend from the side and finger tips touch at the top. 4) Exhale and hinge into standing forward bend with palms touching the mat. 5) Inhale and extend your spine into standing half forward bend with fingers touching the top of your feet. 6) Exhale and step or jump back to plank pose. 7) Exhale and push your hips toward the sky as you step each foot back until your body exhibits a downward dog in the shape of an inverted “V”. Keep palms flat on mat. 8) To exit pose, move your feet forward into standing forward bend with palms touching the mat. How To Do A Upward Pose 1) Lie flat on your belly. 2) Bend your arms and rest your palms on the floor on either side of your chest. 3) Inhale and squeeze your shoulders up to your ears. 4) Exhale and press your hands down while straightening your arms, bringing your torso and legs up off the floor as if you were doing a half push-up. 5) Slide your hands against the floor closer towards your feet while keeping your hips high. 6) Lengthen the sides of your body and keep your neck long. How To Do A Low Lunge 1) From a downward dog pose, exhale and step your right foot forward between your hands, aligning right knee over the heel. 2) Keep your right leg in this position, bring your lower knee towards the floor. 3) Slide the left leg back until you feel the muscles stretching in your groin and as well as in the front of your left thigh. 4) The front part of your left foot should be turned to the floor. 5) Now inhale while lifting your body and making it upright. 6) Spread your arms to the sides and upwards. They should be perpendicular to the ground. 7) Lift your pubic bone towards your belly button and press your tailbone downwards. 8) Push your chest backwards as if against your back. 9) Lift your head upwards. 10) Stretch your fingers towards the ceiling. 11) Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds. 12) Bring your hands down to the floor, and move your body towards the right thigh. 13) Exhale and take your left knee off the ground and step back into the original starting yoga pose for step #1. 14) Repeat all the above steps with the left leg and hold the position for the same amount of time. How To Do A Lunge Twist 1) Step your right foot forward between your hands, with your feet hip-width apart. 2) Place your left hand on the floor directly under your shoulder and twist to the right. 3) Keep your hips square as you reach your right arm toward the ceiling. How To Do A Chest To Thigh Pose With knees bent and hands interlaced behind back, fold your body forward and keep your knees bent. This pose stretches the hamstrings, calves, and hips. How To Do A Lotus Pose 1) Start by sitting on the floor with legs out straight. 2) Bend the right knee and bring the foot across the body towards the left elbow. 3) If you can, hook your right foot in the left elbow and the right knee in the right elbow, bringing the hands together and creating a cradle for the leg and foot. 4) You can gently rock the leg back and forth to open the hip up a little more. 5) Bring the right foot down so the outside edge rests on the left groin. 6) Lean back slightly, lift the right leg off the ground and bend the left knee. 7) Bring the left foot across the body and into the right groin. 8) Firmly press your heels into your belly. 9) Sit tall, keeping your spine straight.. 10) Rest your palms on your knees, facing up, down or pressed together in front of your chest. 11) Hold pose for up to 60 seconds. 12) Repeat step 1 to 11 now with the left knee bent in step 2. Tips To Perform The Yoga Morning Workout 1) Perform every morning 2) During each pose inhale slowly taking a deep breath then exhale slowly 3) Relax and release any thoughts that lead to stress 4) Hold each pose 30 to 60 seconds 5) Complete each pose on either side of the body depending upon the pose Benefits Of Yoga In The Morning 1) Encourages better sleep 2) It’s calming 3) Boost metabolism 4) Look younger 5) Builds habit to exercise Additional Tip As soon as you wake up, try to get outside to practice or open a window to get fresh air. Finally stretch when you can. There is mounting scientific proof that a sedentary life leads to health problems. See INFOGRAPHIC Below Print PDF Below Additional Fitness Workouts To learn how to achieve a lean fit healthy body permanently, try this unique method Click Here. Original article and pictures take http://www.changeinseconds.com/yoga-morning-routine/ site

Yoga for Complete Beginners – Yoga Class 20 Minutes

Yoga for Complete Beginners – Yoga Class 20 Minutes
Yoga for Complete Beginners - Yoga Class 20 Minutes - Blissed Hub

Yoga for complete beginners. 20 minute gentle yoga class to give you greater relaxation, more energy and joy. Relaxation pose and crocodile poses to relax the lower back. Shoulder exercises to relax the neck and shoulders. Sitting forward bend for flexibility. Inclined plane for strengthening the back. Spinal twist for good massage of the abdominal organs. Final relaxation to really let go. You will feel full refreshed and recharged. Try it out! Demonstrated by Aruna, instructed by Sukadev Bretz of http://my.yoga-vidya.org Don’t forget to check out our 9 YOGA books for complete beginners! Originally posted 2016-03-11 12:06:19. Original article and pictures take http://blissedhub.com/yoga-complete-beginners-yoga-class-20-minutes/ site

Yes... I Want To Get Leaner!

Yes... I Want To Get Leaner!
Get LEAN & Toned with - Natalie Jill

It is here! Stronger, the most complete strength building and Fat Loss program that will get YOU in the BEST shape of your life! Hi, I’m Natalie Jill and for those of you who don’t know me yet, I am a full time working mom who just turned 45, and I have helped millions of people just like you get happy, healthy, and fit! Don't worry, even though I have millions of social media followers, I have the credentials to back things up. I'm a Licensed Master Sports Nutritionist and a functional fitness trainer. I’m the creator of the Bestselling 7 Day Jump Start™ system, that has helped over 100,000+ people just like you get in shape. With SO many programs and so much information overload available on the market, it can be SO confusing. That is exactly why I have SIMPLIFIED all of this for you in my new program which is designed for ONE thing...to get you quick and lasting results based on body weight exercises and “CRN” . What is CRN you ask? CRN is Craving Resistant Nutrition and it is KEY for overcoming the reliance on 'willpower'. If you aren't constantly 'hungry' or 'starving' then you are not forced to rely on willpower to 'not eat' when your body is telling you to eat! Best of all, Craving Resistant Nutrition is based on REAL food, and you don't need any expensive pills or gimmicks to make it happen. No weights or machines, no fancy gyms required, NO expensive trainers and NO special supplements or fancy food required on this program. Only REAL wholesome foods and your own body weight. What makes STRONGER different? There are 5 keys to help YOU get LEAN! Number One: The FORMULA! With STRONGER, I have figured out the formula to reverse the aging process with the exercises and nutrition that you will learn throughout this program. I’m going to show you my TOP moves for creating that defined flat belly without calorie restriction and long drawn out cardio. Number Two: It is EXTREMELY TIME efficient With STRONGER, in less than 30 minutes of working out a day, you will learn how to maximize your RESULTS utilizing just your own body weight. You can do the entire workout in less time than it used to take you to drive to and from the gym! Number Three: Bodyweight exercises Throughout the program you will learn to use proper FORM that will help prevent lower back pain while getting you functionally fit. The workouts will engage ALL muscles and avoids creating muscle imbalances. You do NOT need expensive trainers, gyms, or heavy weights to CHANGE your body. I included OVER 30 videos to help you get the most out of the program! Number Four: FAT LOSS The eating plan will get you rapid and lasting results. Even if you never considered yourself an athlete, you will be using the same formula for SUCCESS that athletes use! The reasons athletes look the way they do is because of the way they train and how they eat. You will be eating natural, unprocessed foods that will keep you satisfied and help you avoid cravings, while losing fat, and feeling energetic! The Craving Resistant Nutrition combined with the intense progression training will maximize fat loss and get your body doing things you never thought were possible! Number Five: No More Hunger or Cravings On this program there are never specific times that you have to eat. You can eat when you are hungry and when it is convenient for YOU. You will eat yummy foods that will leave you feeling satisfied. Program includes 10 days of meal planning examples (including some yummy recipes) and there is no restrictive measuring or deprivation dieting. Stronger will teach you a non-restriction based way to eat which involves ADDING more of the right foods so don’t have to focus on calorie restriction, deprivation, and will-power. No fads, magic pills, or instant fixes here! Imagine this: You lose FAT You gain ENERGY You gain STRENGTH Oh and you get STRONGER...and feel empowered! Are you IN? Are you ready to do this with me? Decide you are ready to do this. Get Stronger with me TODAY! Let’s go! Original article and pictures take http://nataliejillfitness.com/stronger site

Yes I'm A Girl And Yes I Have Muscles racerback tank

Yes I'm A Girl And Yes I Have Muscles racerback tank

$21.75 Girls with muscles are not some kind of mythological creature like a unicorn or pegasus. Some girls actually lift heavy and focus on gains! Show off your hardcore gym body in this fitness, sassy, gym design! Make room for us lady gym rats and stay out of our protein powder! Our women's racerback tank is form-fitting with generously cut arm openings and left unhemmed for a raw-edge look. It is made from a blend of 25% cotton, 25% rayon, and 50% polyester. Printed in the USA. Select Size Size Guide x-small Original article and pictures take http://www.activateapparel.com/design/98474-yes-i-m-a-girl-and-yes-i-have-muscles site

Yes I am a fan!!!!!

Yes I am a fan!!!!!
Yes I am a fan!!!!!

What we have to look forward to: G.I. Joe 2: Cobra Strikes: Stars as Roadblock. Pain and Gain: Stars as Paul Doyle Empire State Untitled: Stars as Charley Pride Snitch: Stars as John Matthews Tomorrowland Yes a total of 7 movies coming out in one year, and four more the following year. I guess I will be going to the movies this year. The best part is when you see him be human. This is the best pick… Original article and pictures take http://mmmarlow.wordpress.com/2013/07/03/yes-i-am-a-fan/?postpost=v2#content site

Wuhan Yuancheng Gongchuang Technology Co,ltd

Wuhan Yuancheng Gongchuang Technology Co,ltd

Ipamorelin peptide powder and powerful growth hormone peptides Ipamorelin muscle gains Ipamorelin fat burning Ipamorelin Growth Hormone Releasing. hypophyseal hormone steroids Peptide powder muscle gains Ipamorelin CAS 170851-70-4 for burn fat Just try a small order to start our cooperation, we will NOT make you down ! Any products interested pls let me know I will give info.in details. · kathelin(@)yccreate(.)com · Skype:live:kathelin_4 · WhataApp:+8618872220706 hi,dear friend welcome to our online shop if you want buy high purity peptides raws with competive price and safe delivery Congratulations because you get the right place! pls feel free to contact us to find what you real need we are glad to help. Ipamorelin Description Ipamorelin is a penta-peptide hormone ( Aib-His-D-2-Nal-D-Phe-Lys-NH2 ) , a GHE secretagogue and a small molecule ghrelin mimetic developed by Novo Nordisk . Ipamorelin belongs to the most recent generation of GHRPs and causes significant release of ghe. Similar to GHRP-6 and GHRP-2 , it suppresses somatostatin and increases the stimulation and release of GHE from the anterior pituitary . Ipamorelin is a fascinating new muscle building discovery that is getting a lot of attention in the bodybuilding world . It is a synthetic peptide that has powerful growth hormone peptides . And these GH releasing properties are what is of interest to athletes and bodybuilders since they can make a tremendous difference in the amount of muscle you can grow and how quickly you burn fat . Ipamorelin,Athletes are taking Ipamorelin in a 200mcg or 300mcg dosage , two or three times daily , using a tiny insulin needle to inject. They usually start with the lower dose since side effects can include headaches or what feels like a head-rush . Ipamorelin can be taken at anytime but taking it about 30-45 minutes before a workout would seem ideal because of the pulse in Growth Hormone (GH) it creates allowing for maximum growth . There was a distinct and dosedependent effect on body weight gaining . Sequence: Aib-His-D-2-Nal-D-Phe-Lys-NH2 Molecular formula: C38H49N9O5 Molar Mass: 711.85296 CAS number: 170851-70-4 PubChem: CID 20754357 Synonyms: Ipamorelin Acetate, IPAM, NNC-26-0161 The Ipamorelin Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide Comparison Ipamorelin is a 3rd generation GHRP behind GHRP-6 and GHRP-2. Ipamorelin has very similar characteristics of GHRP-2: does not have ghrelin's lipogenic properties and does not promote hunger. Ipamorelin acts synergistically when applied during a Growth Hormon Releasing Hormon (GHRH) pulse or when it is administered along with a GHRH or an analog such as Sermorelin or Modified GRF 1-29 (growth releasing factor, aminos 1-29). The synergy comes both due to the suppression of somatostatin and the fact that ipamorelin increases GH release per-somatotrope, while GHRH increases the number of somatotropes releasing GH. On the other hand, Ipamorelin is similar to GHRP-6 because they both release GH at a very similar strength minus the side effects that of GHRP-6. Both GHRP-6 and GHRP-2 cause a release and an increase in cortisol and prolactin levels, however Ipamorelin only selectively releases GH at any dose. Ipamorelin shares similar functionality to Hexarelin and compared to other peptides, it is a much more stable form of ghrelin and has longer half-life periods of at least two hours long and causes secondary effect by making neurons to become excited. Ipamorelin , we went over a list that described the strongest to mildest GHRP's available . Ipamorelin came in at the top spot as the most potent GHRP , but it also touted high side effects and quick desensitization . The other end of the spectrum is Ipamorelin - the mildest GHRP . But this pentapeptide can be used to spur a very large GH pulse that produces the least amount of side effects . Studies have shown that large saturation doses of Ipamorelin had almost no effect on the body's natural GH production . Ipamorelin ,As a GHRP, it has shown to be one of longest lasting , and , at higher doses , the most potent . Ipamorelin's function is a slow building one that is much more like the body's natural growth hormone release . This makes it the healthiest choice in the bunch . Our advantages: Over 15years specialized in this field,Professional & Experienced sevices provided. 1. Best prices with High quality.We have complete QA&QC system;steroid powder purity is more than 99% hplc. We use the right recipe to cook the injectable steroid oil. All our order will send out after passing the test exam. 2. Rich experienced in delivering the parcels to you.The most disguise package and the most professional shipping company to ensure safe delivery. . 3. Enough stock ensure the prompt delivery time. 4. Good after-sales service. 5. Specials are possible when the order is big enough. 6. The most important thing is that we have resend policy to protect you 100%. Packaging & Delivery: We have professional team for package and shipment. Special way to ship 100 grams to 100kg powders at one time to your country. Fast and discreet shipment could be arranged for customs pass Guaranteed. Payment & Shipping Terms: Minimum Order Quantity:500vials Price:Negotiable Packing:vials Delivery Time: within 24hours after receiving full payment. Payment terms:T/T,Western Union,MoneyGram. Supply ability:200kg/month How to proceed an order: 1st: Please let me know what you need-Which product/Cas No. quantity, and the destination country. 2nd: You send us the purchase order once we cme to an agreement on all details. 3rd: Parcel would be delivered upon full payment received. 4th: Express Tracking No.will be provided about the parcels. 5th: You will get the parcels in 7days. 6th: After-sales service would be provided after you receive parcels. Should you have any inquires please feel free to contact me ,Skype:live:kathelin_4 peptides T-A001 MGF T-A002 PEG MGF T-A003 CJC-1295 with DAC T-A004 CJC-1295 without DAC/GRF 1-29 T-A005 PT-141 T-A006 MT-1 T-A007 MT-2 T-A008 GHRP-2 T-A008 GHRP-2 T-A009 GHRP-6 T-A009 GHRP-6 T-A010 Ipamorelin T-A011 Hexarelin T-A012 Sermorelin T-A013 Oxytocin T-A014 TB500 T-A015 pentadecapeptide BPC 157 T-A016 HGH 176-191 T-A017 Triptorelin T-A018 Tesamorelin T-A020 Gonadorelin T-A020 Gonadorelin T-A021 DSIP T-A022 Selank 40077-57-4 Aviptadil Acetate 79561-22-1 Alarelin Acetate 112568-12-4 Antide Acetate β-Amyloid (1-42),human Amyloid β-Protein (Human, 1-42) 58-49-1 Angiotensin Acetate CJC-1295 Acetate 69-25-0 Eledoisin Acetate 32780-32-8 PT141 Acetate 128270-60-0 Bivalirudin Trifluoroacetate 57773-65-5 Deslorelin Acetate 16789-98-3 Desmopressin Acetate 60731-46-6 Elcatonin Acetate 38234-21-8 Fertirelin Acetate 159519-65-0 Enfuvirtide Acetate (T-20) 148031-34-9 Eptifibatide 141758-74-9 Exenatide Acetate (Exendin-4) 106612-94-6 GLP-1 (7-37) Acetate 71447-49-9 Gonadorelin Acetate 158861-67-7 GHRP-2 Acetate 87616-84-0 GHRP-6 Acetate 140703-51-1 Hexarelin 16941-32-5 Glucagon(1-29)(Human) 50-57-7 Lysipressin Acetate 121062-08-6 Melanotan-II (MT-II) 114471-18-0 Nesiritide Acetate (BNP-32) 83150-76-9 Octreotide Acetate 83930-13-6 GRF human Acetate 50-56-6 Oxytocin Acetate 3397-23-7 Ornipressin Acetate 196078-30-5 Pramlintide Acetate 105184-37-0 Splenopentin Acetate 17034-35-4 Secretin Acetate 86168-78-7 Sermorelin Acetate 38916-34-6 Somatostatin Acetate 16960-16-0 Tetracosactide Acetate 14636-12-5 Terlipressin Acetate 62304-98-7 Thymosin α1 Acetate 77591-33-4 Thymosin β4 Acetate 57773-63-4 Triptorelin Acetate Original article and pictures take http://steroidraws.en.hisupplier.com/product-3136985-hypophyseal-hormone-steroids-Peptide-powder-muscle-gains-Ipamorelin-CAS-170851-70-4-for-burn-fat.html?ticket=e3c5c243-008e-427e-b6c4-448a3c695df9 site

World’s Fittest Grandma Bodybuilder Just Celebrated Her 80th Birthday!

World’s Fittest Grandma Bodybuilder Just Celebrated Her 80th Birthday!
World’s Fittest Grandma Bodybuilder Just Celebrated Her 80th Birthday!

Despite what many people will tell you, bodybuilding isn’t just for the young and fit: it can be learned at any age. Take Ernestine Shepherd as an example. Born in 1936 (making her 80 years old!), Mrs. Sheperd is the oldest competing female bodybuilder. Rather than wasting away in an elderly care facility and stuffing her body with prescription pills, Ernestine hits the gym nearly every day (1). But she wasn’t always a fitness junkie, in fact, for most of her life, Mrs. Sheperd was an out-of-shape school secretary. At 56 years old, Ernestine started going to the gym with her sister to support each others weight loss efforts. After her sister unexpectedly passed away from a brain aneurysm, Sheperd quit going to the gym, developed hypertension and became depressed. She had to do something to improve her life, and fast! After she was done grieving, Ernestine picked herself back up and got back into the gym. After regular strength training, she decided at the ripe age of 71 to try bodybuilding. Within 7 months, Mrs. Sheperd had entered her first body building competition. Now the Guinness World Record holder wakes up at 3 am every morning, runs 80 miles a week, and eats a clean grain-free diet with plenty of chicken, eggs, and vegetables. Plus, Ernestine lifts weights and even works as a certified personal trainer at her gym. Ernestine swears that she has no aches or pains and that she doesn’t take any medication. Her good habits and positive attitude have even rubbed off on her husband of 52 years, who now accompanies her on her morning runs. What keeps her going is the moto she lives by: Determined — Dedicated — Disciplined To Be Fit! And Ernestine isn’t just improving her own life: she’s inspired other women in her community to get into the gym and get moving! Original article and pictures take https://dailyhealthpost.com/worlds-oldest-female-bodybuilder/ site

Workouts for Women – Oblique Exercises

Workouts for Women – Oblique Exercises

Everyone seems to want a teeny tiny waist these days. A curvy hourglass shape is definitely a trending topic these days. A lot of ladies are squeezing into waist trainers to help them achieve this goal. But a waist trainer is a (very, veryyyyyyy) small piece of the puzzle. (you can learn more about why here.) The recipe for a tiny waist includes a few necessary ingredients: Oblique Exercises! – This is a must if you want to shrink your waistline. That’s what we’re focusing on today! Building your Lats – Your latissimus dorsi muscles (aka Lats) are on your back, above your waist… Building your mid/upper back helps make your waist appear smaller. (I’m all about working smart not hard and the exercises we’re doing today help build your lats, too!) Booty work – Building your booty helps accentuate your curves (Here’s a booty workout for you) A clean diet – I recommend a complete meal plan that matches your metabolic type… this way you’ll burn fat from your body and reduce bloating so your tummy stays flat. A complete full body training split – to help build lean muscle that will boost your metabolism and help you burn more body fat. How to do this Oblique Workout There are 6 exercises that target the oblique muscles in this workout. You’ll need to do each exercise until you ‘feel the burn’ and once you feel the burn do 5 more. You need to do each exercise one time to complete 1 ‘round’ or set. You need to do 3 full sets of each exercise to complete your workout. I recommend doing this workout at least once a week… along with another full ab workout. (I have tons of those for you here.) If you train this area consistently you will build lean muscle in that area. This workout targets the muscles in the obliques… But unfortunately, you can’t spot reduce fat. (I wish!) If you want to lose fat from your abs, this workout isn’t going to do much if you’re not following a meal plan, cardio, and full body weight training program that’s a good match for your body type and goal look. If you truly want to lose weight and improve your health and confidence (fast) join my Total Transformation Challenge. You’ll get noticeable results in DAYS not weeks!! Guaranteed. As always this workout, only works if you work it, so work it. YOU are so worth it! Your Coach and Biggest Cheerleader xxoo Check out the other workouts in this series below: Pin this post so you’ll have it forever. Original article and pictures take https://www.christinacarlyle.com/workouts-women-oblique-exercises/ site

Workouts for Women – Lower Ab Exercises

Workouts for Women – Lower Ab Exercises

A few weeks ago I started making a series of training videos dedicated to creating workouts that trouble women the most. It’s no surprise to me that requests for ab workouts starting popping up in the comments and emails. Lots and lots of ladies wanted a workout for their lower abs. Some asked for exercises specifically for their lower abs because crunches aren’t cutting it. Some straight up wanted to know ‘How can I lose my pooch?’ And that’s exactly what I’m going to teach you today. How to Exercise the Lower Abs The term “lower abs” is kind of misleading because the muscles in the lower section of your core (aka the rectus abdominis muscle) actually covers the entire ab areas… it just so happens to connect to your pelvis. Because your legs are also attached to your pelvis – and because your legs make up about 40% of your body weight – the absolute best ways to target the pooch area is to lift and lower your legs… Holding your legs up off the ground and pushing them upwards automatically engages the lower portion of your abs and you don’t need any fancy equipment to get results. Do you have a pooch of fat on your belly that you’d like to lose? Then you’re going to love today’s episode of CCtv. In it, I share today’s lower ab workout and explain how to lose your pooch. Check it out below. How to do this Lower Ab Workout There are 6 exercises targeting the lower abs in this workout. You’ll need to do each exercise until you ‘feel the burn’ and once you feel the burn do 5 more. You need to do each exercise one time to complete 1 ‘round’ or set. You need to do 3 full sets of each exercise to complete your workout. I recommend doing this workout at least once a week… along with another full ab workout. (I have tons of those for you here.) If you train this area consistently you will build lean muscle in that area. This workout targets the muscles in the lower ab area. But you can’t spot train to reduce fat. If you want to lose fat from your abs, this workout isn’t going to do much if you’re not following a meal plan, cardio, and full body weight training program that’s a good match for your body type and goal look. If you truly want to lose weight and improve your health and confidence join my Total Transformation Challenge. You’ll get noticeable results in DAYS not weeks!! Guaranteed. It only works if you work it, so work it. YOU are so worth it! Your Coach and Biggest Cheerleader xxoo Check out the other workouts in this series below: Pin this post so you’ll have it forever. Original article and pictures take https://www.christinacarlyle.com/workouts-women-lower-ab-exercises/?mc_cid=828144febc&mc_eid=52c2603e6d site

Workout Routines To Help You Shape Up Fast

Workout Routines To Help You Shape Up Fast

When someone is either starting to workout or just wants to increase their efforts, they often will ask a friend if they know of a good exercise routine. The thing is that friend might not have any idea how much time the other person has for exercise, what their goals are, or anything else that helps make a good workout plan for the individual. For most people, it is key to design workout routines that are specific to their needs, time, and goals. What Criteria Should A Gym Routine Include? Anyone wanting to design a workout that will get results needs to consider key elements. Without taking these into account the routine is not likely going to get the desired outcome. 1. How much time does the person have to exercise? If they can work out every day for 60 to 90 minutes then there is a lot they can accomplish. If on the other hand, they can only come for 30 minutes 3 times a week then they will need to prioritize their goals. 2. Set realistic goals. If the person is 5 foot 8 inches and super skinny then it is unlikely they would ever be like Arnold Schwarzenegger who is 6 foot 2 inches and large framed. 3. They will need to consider their diet. If they are trying to lose weight there will be one set of criteria. If they want to gain weight or bulk up then there will be other considerations about what an appropriate diet will be. 4. What are their goals? For some, it might be just to tone up and maybe lose 5 pounds. For others, it might be to get six pack abs and a tight butt. Full Body Workout For many starting out the best workout routines will include full body exercise. These typically can be done even if someone only has 2 or 3 days a week they can commit to exercising. The exercise routine should include working the front muscles of the legs, the muscles at the back of the legs, the buttocks, the upper and lower ab muscles, the front and back of the upper arms, and the forearm. 1. Abs And Lower Back – Leg raises, crunches, jumping knee tucks. 2. Arms And Upper Back – Push ups, pull ups and chin ups. 3. Butt And Back Leg Muscles – Step ups, deadlifts, and hip raises. 4. Chest And Shoulders – Dips, bench press, and overhead press 5. Front Leg Muscles – Lunges, squats. To create a routine, simply choose one of the exercises from each of the above groups. This will give a complete full body workout. As time goes on it is likely each person will need to make variations to their routine to keep making progress. The body is clever and over time, if the person keeps doing exactly the same exercises on the same day and at the same time, the body will adjust to this and it will no longer keep improving. The key is to keep at it and after a few months, change things up a bit to keep progress moving forward. Original article and pictures take http://fitandhealthybuzz.com/workout-routines-to-help-you-shape-up-fast/ site

Workout Routines for Women

Workout Routines for Women
Workout Routines for Women Archives - MUSCLETRANSFORM

Best Tricep Isolation Workout Muscle Anatomy Tricep exercise can be worked through either isolation or compound elbow extension movements and can contract statically to keep the arm straightened against resistance. It’s useful to know the anatomy of each human muscles so that you can to target them efficiently and get the most out of your workout. Isolation movements shown in Read More… How to Get a Flat Tummy with Stomach Vacuums Did you know that there’s a whole set of abdominal muscles behind your six pack? It’s called the transverse abdominis (TVA), and when you work to strengthen it, it can do some wonderful things: Support your spine during heavy lifts, improve your posture, and even hold your tummy in tighter to your body for a Read More… The Shoulder Workout Anatomy We’ve put together these list of 5 shoulder workout anatomy that you incorporate into your workout. The detail graphic will indicate which muscle group is being worked the most during the exercise. Reverse Flyes Type: Strength Equipment: Dumbbell Lie on an incline bench with your chest and stomach press against the incline. Hold each dumbbells Read More… A Beginners Guide To Fell Running The guide below is aimed at those new to fell running. Maybe you’ve heard about it but aren’t sure what it entails. Or perhaps you’ve decided to give it a go but aren’t sure where to start. This guide will give you all the information you need to begin, including advice on gear, trails and Read More… Weekly Exercise Can Add 5 Years to An Elderly Person’s Life Half an hour of moderate exercise five days a week is all an elderly person needs to potentially add another five years to his or her life, making it just as beneficial to life expectancy as giving up smoking. Indeed, an elderly person who exercises for three hours a week is 40% more likely to Read More… Top 8 FAT Loss Vibration Plate Packed with power and features, ranking from high-end vibrating platform’s to affordable mid price range. The vibration plate on this is based on user’s rating and feedback. When we go to the gym we use weights for resistance but when you’re on the whole body vibration machine the vibration are acting as your Read More… Guide To Office Yoga Without Looking Weird Most of us will probably admit we could do with big a bit healthier, especially those of us who work in an office. Too many of us are sat at a desk from the moment we get to work to the moment we leave, perhaps with the odd coffee or toilet break thrown in. And Read More… The Best Time To Workout Infographic Probably, at some point of your life you can have this kind of question, “when is the best time to lose weight or get in shape?”. After all the debates, finally some research proved that exercising in the morning or in the evening, both provide benefits in your body. It was just a matter of Read More… 8 Proven Ways to Improve Your Woman Curves Weight gain and weight loss go hand in hand. I know what you are going through. You want to gain a little weight in the hips and chest to show off your womanly figure but instead you end up just gaining weight in your thighs and belly. I have done the research to find Read More… HIIT For Beginners Infographics It can be hard to find the motivation to exercise regularly. We might baulk at the price of gym membership and fitness equipment. We might not have the leisure time to commit to multiple evenings a week in the gym. We could even lose motivation by not seeing noticeable results after a few sessions of Read More… Original article and pictures take http://muscletransform.com/category/workout-routines/workout-routines-for-women/ site

Workout Plans for Rapid Weight Loss

Workout Plans for Rapid Weight Loss
Workout Plans for Rapid Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight rapidly, aim for a weight-loss rate of no more than two pounds per week. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this amount is considered healthy, and you'll be more successful at keeping the weight off long-term. To lose weight at this rate, you must accumulate a deficit of 1,000 calories a day. In addition to a reduced-calorie diet, effective workout plans can help you achieve your goal. Cardio with Intervals To lose weight, the American Heart Association suggests at least 150 minutes of moderate cardio, or 75 minutes of vigorous cardio a week. High-Intensity Interval training, or HIIT, belongs in the latter category. It's done by alternating between a short, all-out vigorous pace and a less intense recovery pace. Think going back and forth from a jog to a sprint, or alternating between a moderate and vigorous jump-rope pace. By working at a higher intensity, your body burns more calories and fat, and continues to do so during post-exercise recovery. Combination and Compound Exercises Strength training is recommended at least two days of the week. Unlike isolation exercise, combination and compound exercises engage multiple joints and large muscles. This revs up your metabolism and optimizes muscle stimulation, along with fat and caloric burn. Exercise examples include pushups combined with dumbbell rows, lunges with biceps curls, squats with shoulder presses, and step-ups with front raises. Start with one set of eight to 12 reps -- as you get stronger, add two more sets. To make strength training part of your workout plan, dedicate 30 to 60 minutes to it -- on Tuesdays and Thursday, for instance. Always schedule it on nonconsecutive days so your body has enough time to recover between workouts. Circuit training can give you the benefits of a strength-training and cardio workout in one session. It saves time and incinerates calories and fat, both during and after your workout. To do a circuit-training session, select about eight cardiovascular and strength-training exercises. Do each exercise for one minute, or for a set number of repetitions. Schedule minimal rest -- about 15 seconds -- in between the exercises, so your heart rate stays up. You can go from bench presses to crunches, for example, followed by jumping jacks and lunges. Then do pushups and bent-over rows, followed by jumping rope and squats. Complete the circuit two to three times. To make circuit training part of your workout plan, schedule two to three, 30-minute sessions on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Things to Consider Always start your exercise routine with a warm-up of five to 10 minutes of light cardio, to get your blood flowing and to prep your body for the more vigorous exercise to come. You can end your routine in a similar manner, and also include some light stretching. If you're new to exercise, or suffer from injuries or health conditions, get your doctor's approval before starting to work out. Also, don't forget to adjust your diet to contribute to your caloric deficit; eating smaller portions, and emphasizing low-calorie foods over high-calorie foods, can go a long way. Original article and pictures take http://www.livestrong.com/article/369539-workout-plans-for-rapid-weight-loss/ site

Workout Plan to GAIN WEIGHT for Women

Workout Plan to GAIN WEIGHT for Women
Workout Plan to GAIN WEIGHT for Women

Please READ this box for more info. Best exercises to GAIN WEIGHT for skinny women. This workout plan is based on full body Compound Exercises. Compound exercises are those that involve more than one joint and muscle group. They are more efficient and effective for muscle growth. Method: 10 exercises, 4 sets per exercises, 45 -- 60 seconds of rest in between sets. Set 1 - Choose weight that will be manageable for 12 reps. Set 2 - Increase the weight slightly to which you can only accomplish 10 reps. Set 3 - Increase the weight even more to which you can only accomplish 8 reps. Set 4 - For the final set, lift even heavier weight to reach failure at 6 reps. Workout Schedule: Only 3 - 4 times weekly on alternate days. *It is important to know that it is NOT in the gym you achieve growth, it is when you rest and recover. Hence, a full workout day should be followed by a rest day to assure full recovery and growth. Workout Duration: No more than 60 minutes per session. Progression: Perform these exercises for 4 - 6 weeks. As you progress, lift even heavier weights and increase to 5 or 6 sets per exercise. Stick with it, stay focused and I trust you will start to see changes in your body. EAT A LOT, REST, WORKOUT and you will GROW. All the best! xx Please LIKE and SHARE this video. SUBSCRIBE to my channel for new fitness, nutritional & motivational videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/joannasoh... Stay connected with me via: http://www.facebook.com/joannasohoffi... http://instagram.com/joannasohofficial https://twitter.com/Joanna_Soh/ Subscribe to my website for daily inspiration, printable workouts & recipes: http://www.joannasoh.com Lots of Love xx Music Copyright: Background music credits to http://www.freesfx.co.uk Flame by Don Taylors Original article and pictures take http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDpM-CGMXcw site

Workout Plan To Gain 10 Pounds Of Muscle

Workout Plan To Gain 10 Pounds Of Muscle
How To Gain 10 Pounds Of Muscle In Just 12 Weeks

How To Gain 10 Pounds Of Muscle In Just 12 Weeks Forget Botox or growing a mullet. The most dramatic thing a guy can do to change his appearance is to “quickly” gain ten pounds of muscle. Yes, gain some high-quality weight. A guy can drop ten pounds of fat and most people won’t even notice — unless he works as a lifeguard or swimsuit model. But add ten pounds of beef to his frame and suddenly his co-workers start saying things like “someone’s been working out” or “what the heck is he taking?” If you’re skeptical, next time you’re at the supermarket, put ten pounds of extra-lean beef in your cart. Now picture all that protein goodness spread across your shoulders, chest, legs, and arms. Even your near-sighted landlady would check you out. Of course, telling someone to go gain ten pounds of muscle is a lot like telling them to just work hard until they become millionaires. It’s easy to say, but not so easy to do — especially in a tight, 12-week time frame. But if you’re not already near your genetic limits and are ready to put in the work, it can be done. The workout plan below will help you achieve maximum gains in a short amount of time. RELATED: How To Gain Muscle For Skinny Guys But first, here are a few facts: You can never gain only muscle, and especially not in a relatively short time frame. To build muscle, a lot of excess calories are required, and some fat will always tag along. In other words, “gain ten pounds of muscle in 12 weeks” might more realistically translate to “gain ten pounds of muscle along with ten to fifteen pounds of body fat.” Not ideal, but a worthwhile tradeoff nonetheless — additional body fat can be dieted off relatively quickly, revealing all that new muscle in all its glory. Diet Let’s start with the amount of food you will need to eat, which is the most important part: Building muscle requires a significant calorie surplus — roughly 25% on top of your regular maintenance intake is a safe place to start. To figure out what your maintenance caloric intake is, keep it simple. Write down everything you eat over the course of three days (ideally include two week days and one weekend day), figure out the total calories you consumed during each day, add them up and divide them by three – that’s your average daily caloric intake. Multiply that number by 1.25 and you have your new daily caloric goal. When gaining weight, the macro guidelines don’t need to be complicated either. When it comes to figuring out the ideal protein intake, aim to eat as many grams of protein per day as the number that represents your target body weight. Limit calories coming from fat to about 20 % of your intake. Carbs make up the rest. Just remember, these numbers are moving targets. Shoot to gain around a pound of weight every week. Much more or less and you’ll need to adjust calories accordingly. Training Gaining serious weight quickly requires some key programming elements. Favor compound exercises These are movements that involve the largest muscle groups and allow you to lift heavier weights, resulting in greater hypertrophy. Think bench presses, squats, and deadlifts. Isolation moves like lateral raises, triceps kickbacks, and leg extensions are still important, but the big lifts drive the muscle-building bus. Frequency The sweet spot for size and strength gains consists of hitting a muscle group every 48-72 hours or so. For most, the right frequency is to train every body part twice a week. Progression You need to progress during every workout: Try to lift five additional pounds or add an additional rep per set every time you exercise. This won’t always be possible, but the effort should be there. Volume Another great way to add size fast is to systematically add volume to your training (which translates to doing more sets). Fitness expert Brad Schoenfeld has a neat system to achieve this: Volume is set at a conservative level during the first month (say, doing 14 to 16 sets per muscle group every week), increases to around 20 sets in the second month, and then increases to over 24 sets per muscle group on a weekly basis during month three. You would then “unload” to around 10-15 sets in the fourth month. Putting It All Together Month 1 Monday - Upper Body (Horizontal Push-Pull) Warm-up drill: DB Squeeze Press A) Incline Barbell Bench Press Week 1: 3 sets of 8 Week 2: 4 sets of 6 Week 3: 5 sets of 4 Week 4: 3 sets of 5 (unload) B) Chest Supported Row – 3 x 8-10 C1) Flat DB Press – 2 x 10-12 C2) Seated Rope Row to Neck – 2 x 10-12 D1) DB Hammer Curl – 2 x 10-12 D2) Triceps Rope Pressdown – 2 x 12-15 Tuesday: Lower Body (Quad-Dominant) Warm-up drill: Sliding Leg Curl A) Barbell Squat Week 1: 3 sets of 8 Week 2: 4 sets of 6 Week 3: 5 sets of 4 Week 4: 3 sets of 5 (unload) B) DB Drop Lunge – 3 x 8/leg C) Lying Leg Curl – 2 x 10-12 D1) Standing Calf Raise – 2 x 10-15 D2) Swiss Ball Crunch – 2 x 10-12 Thursday: Upper Body (Vertical Push-Pull) Warm-up drill: Scapular Wall Slide A) DB Shoulder Press, Neutral Grip (palms facing each other) Week 1: 3 sets of 8 Week 2: 4 sets of 6 Week 3: 5 sets of 4 Week 4: 3 sets of 5 (unload) B) Wide Grip Pull Ups – 3 x 8 C1) Lateral Raise – 2 x 10-12 C2) Seated Rope Row to Neck – 2 x 10-12 D1) Incline DB Curl – 2 x 8-10 D2) Overhead DB Triceps Extension – 2 x 8-10 Friday: Lower-Body (Hamstring-Dominant) Warm-up drill: Superman Back Extension A) Barbell Deadlift Week 1: 3 sets of 8 Week 2: 4 sets of 6 Week 3: 5 sets of 4 Week 4: 3 sets of 5 (unload) B) Leg Press – 3 x 15-20 C) Leg Extension – 2 x 20 D1) Seated Calf Raise – 2 x 20 D2) Reverse Crunch – 2 x 10-12 For months 2 and 3, keep the “A” lift the same but add a set per week while shifting the target reps down. For example: Month 2 Week 5: 4 sets of 7 Week 6: 5 sets of 5 Week 7: 6 sets of 3 Week 8: 3 sets of 5 (unload) Month 3 Week 9: 5 sets of 6 Week 10: 6 sets of 4 Week 11: 7 sets of 2 Week 12: 3 sets of 5 (unload) As for the remaining exercises, just add another set per exercise every month. However, if you’re stuck in a lift and unable to add more reps, keep your body guessing by making a subtle tweak like swapping lying leg curls for seated leg curls. Ten pounds in three months is no joke. But if you apply the diet and training principles above, you just might surprise yourself. And your coworkers. Bryan Krahn, CSCS, is a personal trainer, online coach, and fitness writer. He helps ordinary guys get what they really want from their fitness programs — to build muscle, lose fat, and feel great. He blogs about muscle, manhood, and lifestyle at bryankrahn.com . You can follow him on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Original article and pictures take http://www.askmen.com/sports/bodybuilding/workout-plan-to-gain-10-pounds-of-muscle.html site