суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

14-Day Hormone Balancing & Gut Restoring Meal Plan

14-Day Hormone Balancing & Gut Restoring Meal Plan
14 Day Hormone Balancing & Gut Restoring Diet - Full of Days

Maybe you’re here because you’ve decided enough is enough and you’re ready to take action. If you’re tired of feeling tired all the time, you’re sick of dealing with headaches and migraines, you’re ready to be done with the stubborn weight gain, and more than anything, you just want to feel GREAT again, then you’re in the right place! Hormonal imbalances affect thousands daily, and it needn’t be so. Through dietary (and lifestyle) changes, true healing can be obtained and significant results possible. It was with my own success in jump-starting healing for my hormonal imbalance that finally made me a believer (despite seeing, first-hand, other’s successes). And maybe that’s you, too. You’ve tried it all to no avail, and you’re ready for something different. I know how you feel. With the $14.99 Meal Plan 70 Different Meals 14 Breakfasts, Lunches & Dinners 28 Snacks 50+ Recipes Shopping List Links to Recommended Products Resources for Money Saving Strategies Things to Expect Important Things to Note Daily Product Tips Helpful Nutritional Information By Adding the $9.99 Facebook Community Access Daily Support Daily Encouragement Answers to Questions Read Success Stories Share Your Own Success Stories Get Advice and Help With Struggles Bonus Recipes (not included in the meal plan) Lifetime Access to the Private Facebook Group For two and a half years (after my youngest was born) I battled with stubborn weight gain, despite exercising 4-6 times per week and maintaining a very healthy diet. I dealt with a painful cycle that came every 21 days and brought with it horrible mood swings, breakouts and cramping. After just three weeks of implementing this raw, plant-based plan, my cycle corrected itself to 28 days, I no longer had awful breakouts, the painful cramping was manageable and I lost 8 pounds. Having such great results in such a short period of time, simply by changing the foods I ate, was what led us to create this 14-Day Meal Plan. The best part is, many of these recipes are so delicious, they’re now in frequent rotation as part of our weekly menu. To top it off, The Hubs and our four kiddos get just as excited to eat them! If you’re ready to take control of your health and if you’re ready to make big changes in how you feel on a daily basis, then this 14-Day Meal Plan for Balancing Hormones and Restoring Gut Health is for you. What You’ll Get As listed above, for just $14.99 you’ll get two full weeks of meals. This includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks daily. It includes over 50 recipes, step-by-step instructions and a shopping list, all designed to get your body on the fast track to healing. Also included are resources we use to help offset the costs of eating on this raw-food, plant-based diet. We’ve shared “Things to Expect”, “Important Things to Note” and a “Helpful Tips” section. We also share daily product and nutritional tips throughout the 14 days. Want Some Accountability? We understand making big changes can be a challenge, even intimidating. I completely understand, and I’m not sure I would have been able to accomplish it without my buddies who joined with me. If you’d like to dive in even deeper and have someone walk through this with you. Then you’ll want to add on our Facebook Community Group created exclusively for those joining with us on this 14-Day Hormone Balancing & Gut Restoring Meal Plan. For an additional $9.99, you’ll receive daily support and encouragement from us (as well as others joining us in the group who have previously been through the meal plan). You’ll be able to ask questions, share your successes and your struggles as well as receive bonus recipes and fresh ideas to keep the journey fun and exciting. This is a one-time fee that will gain you lifetime access to the Facebook group. That way, if you decide to continue beyond the 14 days for further healing, you’ll still enjoy the support of the group (and maybe offer up your own encouragement as well!). Still Not Convinced? I get it, if you’re anything like me, you’re still not convinced this meal plan is worth it. Let me share a few testimonies from others who have had success following this raw-food, plant-based meal plan… Amy R. “Four years ago, I was exercising like crazy and obsessively counting every calorie. Though I was exercising daily, and drastically cutting my calories, I wasn’t losing weight. Not only that, but I was really tired everyday by 5:00 PM and I noticed I was having a hard time thinking clearly. After getting pregnant and having a miscarriage, I went to see my doctor. I shared all I’d been experiencing and she checked my blood and found my thyroid was off hypo. It was at that time I started taking Levothyroxine (a synthetic hypothyroid medication). After 4 years on Levothyroxine (and not seeing the promised results I’d hoped for), I decided I wanted to find a way to heal my thyroid without having to take medication. I turned to a raw-food, plant-based meal plan. A week after I started following this meal plan I had an appointment to see my doctor. She checked my thyroid, and both the T3 and T4 blood tests came back normal. Knowing a raw, plant-based diet could help heal my body and balance my hormones, I was still skeptical. I wondered if I still had some of the Levothyroxine left in my system, so I continued with the diet. After three weeks eating this way, I noticed my skin was clear, my energy was skyrocketing and my inability to focus had vanished. After 28 days I was down 17 pounds, off my thyroid medication completely and felt so amazing that I kept up with the raw-foods diet for an additional 28 days. It was at this time I decided to go have my thyroid levels checked again. To my delight, both my T3 and T4 levels were completely normal! I have since adapted this diet slightly, but know I will continue to get the majority of my foods from plant-based, nutrient dense, healing foods.” Kourtney J. “I have known all my adult life that I had a hormone imbalance, but chose ignore it because my symptoms were “treatable” (more accurately they were masked) with oral contraceptives, and OTC medications. It was when I decided to stop taking the oral contraceptives that I realized how bad my hormone imbalance really was. I began having excruciating migraines (that lasted up to five days), heavy menstrual bleeding, debilitating cramps, rapid weight gain, cystic breakouts, and draining insomnia. All this drove me to my doctor who diagnosed me with a progesterone deficiency which left me with unopposed estrogen running rampant to wreak havoc on my system. After months of trying to find a solution to my issues (other than the recommended hysterectomy), a friend of mine had shared how she was healing her body with a raw plant based diet. Wanting to be supportive, I asked if I could join her. I figured it couldn’t hurt, but truly doubted it would help my situation. At 28 days, I was down 7 pounds, I had incredible energy, my insomnia was completely gone, I had zero PMS symptoms, the cystic breakouts had ceased, and for the first time in almost a year I had gone an entire month without a migraine. Additionally, I had a surprise result that knocked my socks off. Four years ago, I was diagnosed with sacroiliitis which is just a fancy term for inflammation in the sacroiliac joint. Twenty-eight days into this diet, not only is my pain gone, but I no longer have to limit my activities as well!” Original article and pictures take https://everydayfull.com/hormone-balancing-diet/ site

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