суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

14 Exercises You Can Do While Lying Down

14 Exercises You Can Do While Lying Down
14 Exercises You Can Do While Lying Down

Share On facebook Share Share On pinterest Pin The movement is incredibly small but effective. Directions here. Share On facebook Share Share On pinterest Pin Work those abs. More here. Share On facebook Share Share On pinterest Pin Liiiift! Then rest forever. See how here. faqs.org Share On facebook Share Share On pinterest Pin Bonus: This leg toner also helps prevent varicose veins! Directions here. Share On facebook Share Share On pinterest Pin Works your legs, core, butt, hips and thighs. And you don't even have to get out of bed! See more here. Share On facebook Share Share On pinterest Pin It's also a stretch for sore backs...which you can get from too much lying down. Instructions here. Share On facebook Share Share On pinterest Pin This exercise targets your outer thighs, and you can even do it while you're watching TV! Full directions here. Share On facebook Share Share On pinterest Pin Strengthens your Paraspinal muscles. Sounds important. See how to do these here. Share On facebook Share Share On pinterest Pin Minimal effort. Maximum gluteal strength. Instructions here. Share On facebook Share Share On pinterest Pin Tightens your abs. See how to do it here. Share On facebook Share Share On pinterest Pin Stretch and arm workout in one. Directions here. Share On facebook Share Share On pinterest Pin It's pilates that even you can do. Lean how here. Share On facebook Share Share On pinterest Pin Perhaps your in-bed workout routine can be your "bridge" to fitness. See the video here. Share On facebook Share Share On pinterest Pin 8 Ways To Ensure Your Weekend Trip To The Oslo Region Is The Most Epic Ever Got any plans for the weekend? With special weekend fares to Oslo you’ll be surprised at just how much you can do before you have to be back in the office on Monday. From only $549* R/T! *Terms apply Original article and pictures take http://www.buzzfeed.com/jessicaprobus/lazy-people-exercise-moves site

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