суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

17 Best Superfoods For Weight Loss

17 Best Superfoods For Weight Loss
17 Best Superfoods For Weight Loss - Lindsey Reviews

You may have heard this many times before – so it must be true – the key to losing weight cannot be found in crash diets – it comes from a long-term adjustment to the way you think about food. The best weight loss superfoods provide a heaping helping of nutrients in a comparatively small amount of calories while also keeping you feeling full longer so you eat less. If you’re looking to shed pounds for good, incorporate some, if not all of the 17 superfoods below. You’ll lose a lot of weight in no time. 1. Salmon The right proteins will help fill you up without too much fat. Salmon is a much leaner choice than red meat and is filled with monounsaturated fatty acids that help promote weight loss. 2. Blueberries Blueberries are truly nature’s candy. They taste great fresh or frozen and mix easily into smoothies and yogurt dishes. One cup of blueberries contains just 80 calories while serving up 4 grams of filling fiber. The #1 Worst Veggie To AVOID 3. Brown rice “But wait, rice is a carb!” Before you go cutting out all carbs, understand that brown rice is what’s known as a resistant starch, a type of healthy carb that kick-starts your metabolism and helps burn fat. One half cup of brown rice contains almost 2 grams of resistant starch. 4. Spinach This leafy green is packed with nutritional goodies like vitamins and antioxidants. It can be eaten raw in salads, cooked or steamed as a side and even added to smoothies. Spinach is a great way to add volume to your meals without adding calories. See 5 “odd” veggies that boost female metabolism and kill belly fat in just 2 weeks 5. Oatmeal Oatmeal–and oats in general—are packed with fiber, which fills you up and gives your body energy to burn throughout the day. Like brown rice, it’s a resistant starch, which means it helps burn more fat after eating. 6. Grapefruit Grapefruit helps to lower the body’s levels of insulin, a hormone that promotes fat storage. Studies have shown adding grapefruit to your diet—even if you change nothing else—can help you lose as much as a pound a week. LADIES: Lose 1 pound of your belly everyday by following 1 amazing little tip 7. Wine Drinking wine can promote weight loss, but read on before you go pouring that second glass. When it comes to your choice of alcohol, wine has been shown to be a better option than liquor for maintaining a healthy weight. The key is moderation; one glass of red per day will give you a healthy dose of reservatol, an antioxidant that stops fat storage. 8. Broccoli This cruciferous vegetable weighs in at less than 30 calories per serving, and it’s rich in fiber that will fill you up. Munch on broccoli raw or cooked and you’ll also reap the benefits of its cancer fighting properties. 9. Black beans Black beans are a wonderful vegetarian source of protein, providing a heaping 15 grams per cup. Black beans are also free from the saturated fats associated with many animal sources of protein. 10. Dark chocolate If you have a sweet tooth, this one’s sure to please; dark chocolate contains anti-oxidants and mono-unsaturated fatty acids that boost your metabolism. A bite or two of dark chocolate—the purer, the better—after a meal will curb your craving for something sweet and help you avoid munching between meals. 11. Avocados Avocados often get a bad rap for being fatty, but the right kinds of fats can actually aid in weight loss. Avocados contain the good kinds—monounsaturated fats, to be precise—as well as fiber and protein to fill you up. As with any fat, avocados should be eaten in moderation. 15 Veggies That Kill Belly Fat 12. Water It sounds so simple, but staying hydrated is crucial to helping your body perform at its best and lose excess weight. Studies have shown many people mistake thirst for hunger, which means we reach for a snack when a glass of H2O is what our body actually craves. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water per day. 13. Pears Pears are loaded with fiber, which is one of the golden ingredients to feeling full and weighing less. Be sure to eat your pears with the peels on—that’s where all the fiber lies! Drop 3 dress sizes in 2 weeks 14. Eggs Eggs are considered by many to be one of the most perfect foods. They’re packed with protein and low on calories—a staple for losing weight. Start your day with a veggie omelet and you’ll be satisfied until lunch time. 15. Kidney beans Another great alternative to red meat, kidney beans are filled with protein, fiber and resistant starch, all of which promote weight loss. Drop 20 pounds off your belly in only 2 weeks with this 1 weird trick 16. Bananas We love bananas for so many reasons; they’re one of the easiest snacks to grab on the go, and they don’t even require refrigeration. One banana provides anywhere from 6-12 grams of metabolism boosting resistant starch. 17. Almonds Almonds are another great non-meat option to help you shed pounds. Swap them out for chips or crackers when you’re craving a salty snack. Just be sure to stick to the serving size as almonds, like all nuts, contain a lot of fat. 18. The 2 Week Diet If you’re still unsure about what to eat and what to avoid, don’t worry you’re not alone. There is a little-known diet plan called the 2 Week Diet which will teach you these things. Getting that in check will increase your metabolism allowing you to shed weight and shed it fast. Women who have followed the 2 Week Diet reported losing up to 20 pounds and 2-4 inches from their waist in just a matter of 2 weeks—the methods in the 2 Week Diet are all backed by science. Check out this video on the 2 Week Diet now to learn more about how to follow the diet—and get to your ideal weight in 14 days. Original article and pictures take http://lindseyreviews.com/17-best-superfoods-weight-loss/ site

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