Updates: 07/3/2014 Many people are innately in small body size. That can force them to live under the influences of bullying. It will be very difficult for a person who has fast metabolism to gain weight. For those people, they just need to add a few pounds to improve their appearance. If you are among people who are underweight, you may have to face organ damage, the bone density loss, and the loss of menstruation. 22 Best Healthy Foods For Weight Gain And Muscle Building While a lot of people just get troubles with the overweight issues, there are also many others who wish to add some pounds to their weight and improve the look of their skinny body. Unfortunately, most such people love to consume unhealthy junk food and unnecessary supplements before trying to find healthy foods for weight gain and muscle building. If you want to get in shape and say goodbye to your bony build, you should not rely on high-calorie junk foods that are totally not nutritious and unhealthy. Choose foods that are energy-dense and nutrient-dense whenever possible. Here are 22 best foods for weight gain and muscle building that will help you gain healthy pounds within a short time. 1. Red Meat: If you are serious about gaining weight, and you are finding useful foods for weight gain, I recommend you firstly to add more red meat to your daily meal. For instance, steak is a kind of red meat that is a great source of iron and protein. Not every steak cut is equal in nutrition. You should eat the fatty cuts where the steak is marbled. These meat cuts will provide you with a lot of calories, and they are also more delicious. You can look for beef tenderloin, New York strip, T-bone, and rib-eye because these foods are very nutritious. Red meat is e great source of cholesterol so that you should serve this kind of food within a healthy meal and make it a partner to vegetables and other healthy foods. If you still combine red meat with an unhealthy meal that is rich in saturated fats, you might have to suffer from unwanted health effects and symptoms. 2. Peanut Butter: Natural peanut butter contains protein and fats, which is a wonderful choice for people who are trying to gain weight with a healthy way. In each tablespoon, the content of peanut butter has 94 calories, 8 grams of fat, 4 grams of protein, and 3 grams of carbs. This mixture is simply created with crushed peanut and any type of oil. Peanut butter is high in magnesium, vitamin E, B3, and folate. You can indulge peanut butter with oatmeal. There are many ways to consume peanut butter. For instance, you can add it to many foods to replenish calories. You can enjoy peanut butter with oatmeal; use it as a dip for apples, or a top for a whole grain bread slice. In another way, you can enjoy peanut butter with bread in the breakfast or eat them like an afternoon snack. When you choose a kind of peanut butter, you should try to find all natural products. That means they do not have too much sugar and some additional ingredients. Why do you have to avoid sugar? In fact, you need sugar to gain weight, yet a high intake of sugar is linked to diabetes. If you are looking for drinks for weight gain and muscle building, you should drink Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass. 3. Whole Fat Milk: You can make a simple modification when you try to gain weight that is replacing skim milk by whole fat milk. It just contains more 60 calories. When you maintain the fat in your milk, the nutrients and vitamins will also stay. Whole milk contains a rich sour of vitamin A and vitamin D. You should drink whole milk wherever you use skim, like in sauces, cereal, oatmeal, or a milk glass. If you would like to add milk to coffee, you can also add more cream. 4. Tropical Fruit: If you eat an apple a day, you will never have to see the doctors or go to any hospital. Moreover, tropical fruit also helps you gain more pounds. Fruits, such as pineapple, bananas, papaya, and mango are smart choices for you to add to your daily meal. Fruits are loaded with natural sugars and they will provide you with a large amount of energy you need to go through the day. No one can become a fatty person if they eat fruits although fruits contain sugar, so do not concern about overeating! If you think it is difficult to eat enough vegetables and fruits per day, you should try to blend them to create a tasty smoothie. 5. Avocado: Avocado is a tasty green vegetable that is a great source of healthy fats that you should add to your daily meal. Just a half of an avocado will provides you with 140 calories, but it is also rich in vitamin E, folic acid, and potassium. Avocado is also loaded with B vitamins. You can spread on toast, add cut up on meat, and avocado to salads. You can also mash half a ripe avocado on your bread, then season it with pepper and salt. 6. Whole Wheat Bread: Another great tip to gain weight is eating healthy bread products. If you are trying to add more bread to your daily meal, you should use whole grains. White bread is the food that all of them might grow up with; however, white bread is really bad for health. Instead, you should eat whole grain products. These foods include a fiber and minerals that white bread does not have. They can help you stay fully loaded for a long time, and give you necessary energy for a day. If you are looking for drinks for weight gain and muscle building, you should drink Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass. 7. Butter: When you cook butter with anything, the taste of butter will be never lost. Butter is full of good calories and flavor. Butter contains saturated fats so that you should enjoy it in moderation. You should choose to integrate ghee into your daily meal. This ingredient from India is ultra-clarified butter. Ghee is safe for anyone to cook it at high temperatures, different from butter which will be easily burned. Ghee also has tasty and special flavor so that people should use it less when cooking it. You can also learn more healthy and energized recipes to give your body necessary energy for all day long. 8. Cheese: Cheese is one of the most common foods in America and Europe. People can serve cheese with nearly every dish. Cheese contains the nutritional benefits of every product from milk. Most kinds of cheeses are a great source of fat, making this food a good stuff for you and anyone who is trying to gain more pounds. Cheese comes in many delicious varieties, so pairing a cheese to your meal is a fun experience. You should serve Parmesan on top of asparagus, Swiss cheese with roasted chicken, and goat it with eggs. For eating raw, cheese can be also a tasty snack because it is rich in protein. 9. Potatoes: One first out of things that you usually choose to cut down when you try to lose fat are carbohydrates. Therefore, if you are attempting to gain weight, you should add carbohydrates back to your daily meal plan! The main rule is choosing carbohydrates that have high value of nutrition. Meanwhile, potatoes are the greatest choice out there because they are an excellent source of protein. They are also backed with fiber, and provide you with a lot of vitamin C. You should eat potatoes regularly with the skin because if they are peeled, the amount of protein contained in this food will be cut by a half. You can also learn powerful chinese healthy food recipes to get more energy. 10. Salmon: You should take in 2 portions of salmon a day. This will give you the necessary protein collection and also aid you in increasing weight effectively within a very short period of time. 11. Baked Acorn Squash: Baked acorn squash is a seasonal vegetable, which is full of fiber and antioxidants. Instead of using butter, you can bake this food with a touch of olive oil. This method will make the dish more healthy and nutritious. 12. Whole Eggs: Whole eggs are sold at reasonable price and this food is fully loaded with good cholesterol, vitamins A, D, E, and protein. If you are looking for drinks for weight gain and muscle building, you should drink Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass. 13. Bagels: Bagels are extra calorie dense. They are also rich in complex carbohydrates. 14. Tuna: Tuna contains vital fatty acids, which are the powerhouse of healthy fats. These fats not only support you in the weight gain process but are also help to maintain your physical well-being. 15. Corn Bread: This kind of food is nearly full of carbohydrates. It is also a delicious partner to your favorite soups and curries. One piece of corn bread contains nearly 328 calories, so you should eat this food regularly to energize your whole body. 16. Fruit Juice: If you want to get more healthy foods and meal plans, you can learn super foods, the beauty of foods, or healthy and delicious juice cleanse recipes. 17. Pasta: Pasta is a special supply of cereal carbohydrates that is also rich in calories. Therefore, this kind of food can be served as the source of a high and healthy calorie meal. 18. Shrimps: Shrimps contain nutrients and acid content that will seal up your whole body with necessary and healthy calories. Maybe those people who are dealing with the eating disorders also want to learn how to gain weight healthily and quickly. It is certainly true that eating French fries and drinking sugary sodas all day will add more pounds to your weight, but they are “sick pounds”. The best way you should apply is eating foods for weight gain, which give you great caloric intake. If you are looking for drinks for weight gain and muscle building, you should drink Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass. 19. Healthy Oils: Oil is an essential ingredient in your meal. Some given examples of healthy oils are olive oil, almond oil, canola oil, flax seed oil, and coconut oils. In each tablespoon of these oils, there will be about 120 calories and 15 grams of fat. In these oils, the fat is unsaturated fat so you can consume it and gain healthy weight. At the same time, cholesterol levels are also reduced. It is good for cooking. Before baking it, you can drips the oils of chicken and fish. Moreover, you can also fry an egg by using the oil in the morning for breakfast. 20. Natural Granola: If you are dreaming about weight gain, a great cereal recommended for you to enjoy is natural granola. You can feel assured that the natural granola has no refined sugar. This snack is made from sugar, rolled oats, and healthy fats such as nuts and coconut oil. Nuts and dried fruit may be mixed. You can purchase pre-made granola because it is simple to make it at home. It is terrific to enjoy natural granola with yogurt, fruit, and some honey. In the morning, you can prepare for your breakfast with granola, which provides you with protein from the yogurt, sugar from the fruit, and fiber from the oatmeal. 21. Walnuts: Consuming walnuts brings a wide range of benefits to you like the combination of phytosterols, monounsaturated fats, and the amino acid I-arginine. This combination helps walnuts provide you enhanced calories and nitric oxide that assist in stimulating muscle growth and recovery. Another benefit of walnuts is preventing heart disease and cancer because they break down the negative sides of the saturated fats in high-fat foods. To get weight gain, you should eat about 20 grams of walnuts every day. 22. Dried Fruits: To gain healthy weight, you should add some right foods to your daily diet. Dried fruit is the last food recommended in this article. Even though dried fruit contains a little bit of sugar, it is loaded with fiber. High amounts of the minerals and vitamins inside dried fruit are fundamental to develop muscles and stay healthy. Dried fruit will decrease the amount of fat stored in your body and assist you in getting calories for gaining weight. You can eat dried fruit during the day; however, you need drink more water to prevent dehydration. Remember that you shouldn’t eat dried bananas because they are full of fat. Instead, find unsulfured dried fruit. The 22 best foods for weight gain and muscle building above are what you should eat to gain healthy weight. Also, you can find a real explosive plan to gain weight fast, effective exercises how to gain muscle mass, and super high caloric fast foods to eat. All of these healthy foods for weight gainand muscle building are what I have used to add more pounds to my weight, and now, I am glad to share my very own experiences with anyone who desires to get in shape within a very short period of time. If you feel these best healthy foods for weight gain and muscle building I offer in this article are really useful for your current expectation, just feel free to leave all your comments/feedbacks at the end of this post. We appreciate your contribution and will respond all as soon as possible. If you are looking for drinks for weight gain and muscle building, you should drink Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass. Original article and pictures take http://vkool.com/18-foods-for-weight-gain/ site
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