суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

5-Day Total Body Workout Plan

5-Day Total Body Workout Plan

Want to tone your body from head to toe, but don’t know where to begin? With the help of Bikini Champion Nicole Nagrani, you can give yourself a total body makeover— tightening those glutes, blasting that fat, and toning your legs and arms. Just give us 5 days a week, and we’ll help you achieve a lean and tight bikini body that will turn heads this summer. So print this out and get to work! 5-Day Total Body Workout Plan Exercise Descriptions One-Arm Dumbbell Rows: Get Ready: Using a flat bench and a dumbbell, position your body on the bench, one knee and one hand on the bench, while the other foot is planted firmly on the ground, and the arm on the same side as the foot on the ground is grasping the dumbbell. Go: Begin with your arm straight, back straight, head up and chest out. Using your back, pull the dumbbell toward your body. Slowly lower and repeat. Dumbbell Wide Squats: Get Ready: Stand with your feet wide, toes pointed forward and hands at your sides. Set a dumbbell on the ground, perpendicular to the floor between your legs. Go: Squat down, keeping your back straight, bending only at the waist and knees. Pick up the dumbbell, holding it by the plate on top. Push through your heels to standing position. Slowly lower yourself back into a squat and repeat. Narrow Stance Dumbbell Squats: Get Ready: Stand with your feet about 3-4 inches apart and hands at your sides. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Go: Sit back into a squat until your legs are parallel or just lower than parallel to the ground. Push through your heels to standing position and repeat. Be sure to keep your back straight, head up and chest out throughout this entire movement. Push-ups: Get Ready: Get down on the ground into push-up position. Keep your feet together and toes on the ground with your hands just wider than shoulder-width apart and fingers facing forward. Keep your body in a tight plank position, parallel to the ground. Go: Bending at the elbows, lower your body toward the ground, keeping your abs tight and back straight. Explode up by pushing with your hands back to start position. Repeat. Tip: If this move is too difficult, you may rest your knees on the ground. Remember to keep breathing. Shoulder-Width Barbell Front Raises: Get Ready: Using a weighted straight bar, stand with your feet together and hold the bar with both hands shoulder-width apart in front of you. Go: Keeping your abs tight and chest out, raise the bar using your front delts. Lower to start position and repeat. Tip: Raise the bar only to shoulder height and slowly lower. Rear Dumbbell Lateral Raises: Get Ready: Seated on the edge of a bench or standing, bend over at the waist, keeping your back straight and chest out. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, facing each other. Go: Keeping your elbows slightly bent throughout the movement, raise the dumbbells out like a reverse bear hug. Slowly lower the dumbells and repeat. Tip: Keep your head up for stability and to ensure you’re reaching the target muscle group. Standing Triceps Extensions (two hands on one dumbbell): Get Ready: Using one dumbbell, stand with your feet together and knees slightly bent but locked. Using both hands, lift the dumbbell to your shoulders, position your hands so that your palms are on the underside of the dumbbells’ plate that is on top and move the dumbbell up above your head. Go: Lower the dumbbell, bending at the elbows only behind your head. Push the dumbbell up into full extension, being sure to squeeze the triceps muscles. Repeat. Tip: Try to keep your elbows close to your ears for accuracy in targeting the triceps. Two-Arm Dumbbell Skull-Crushers: Get Ready: Using a flat bench and one light dumbbell in each hand. Lay down on the bench and raise the dumbbell straight up. Go: Bending only at the elbow and keeping your palm facing in, lower the dumbbells toward your forehead. Push the dumbbells to start position using the triceps muscle. Seated and Bent-Over Dumbbell Preacher Curls: Get Ready: Sit on the edge of the bench with legs spread wide. Hold a dumbbell in one hand. Rest the back of your upper arm on your thigh, allowing your hand (holding the dumbbell) to fall between your legs. Go: Curl the dumbbell toward your body. Slowly lower and repeat. Stiff-Leg Deadlifts: Get Ready: Using a weighted bar or dumbbells, stand with your feet about 4 inches apart. Keeping your knees slightly bent but locked throughout the exercise. Hold the bar in front of you with your hands about shoulder-width apart. Go: Keeping your back straight, head up and chest out, slowly lower the bar, bending only at the hips. You should feel a stretch in your hamstrings and glutes. Squeeze your glutes to help raise your body back into start position. Repeat. Reverse Barbell Lunges: Get Ready: Using a weighted straight bar, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place the bar on your shoulders. Grasp the bar where comfortable for stability and balance. Go: With one leg, step backward into lunge position, bending at both knees. Be sure to step far back enough to get a good stretch. Push off, using your heel in the front and return the foot to start position. Repeat, alternating between legs. Standing Calf Raises: Get Ready: Using a standing calf machine, stand on the platform with feet about 3-4 inches apart. With your shoulders under the padding of the machine, and your toes on the platform, push up into full extension of the calf. Go: Slowly lower to below parallel. Push with toes back up to full extension and repeat. Swing Lunges Lung forward, and then bring that same leg behind you into a reverse lunge. That is one rep. Walking Dumbbell Diagonal Lunges Holding a dumbbell in each hand, step with one leg at a 45-degree angle, bending into a lunge. Step back and repeat. Pop Squat Starting with feet together, jump out to a squat. Jump your feet back together. Repeat. Cardio Session Do the following routine twice, for a total of 50 minutes of work. Warm up for 5 minutes. Incline 3: Run on treadmill for 4 minutes at brisk pace. Incline 3: Sprint on treadmill for 1 minute at accelerated pace. Incline 5: Run on treadmill for 4 minutes at brisk pace. Incline 5: Sprint on treadmill for 1 minute at accelerated pace. Incline 7: Run on treadmill for 4 minutes at brisk pace. Incline 7: Sprint on treadmill for 1 minute at accelerated pace. Get on upright bike and set on a level that you can keep up a 100 rpm pace for 3 minutes. Stay on upright bike and set on a high level and keep rpm’s at 80 for 2 minutes. Original article and pictures take http://www.fitnessrxwomen.com/training/print-go-workout/5-day-total-body-workout-plan/ site

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