суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

7 Real Mom Tips on Losing the Baby Weight

7 Real Mom Tips on Losing the Baby Weight
7 Real Mom Tips on Losing the Baby Weight

While getting back into your skinny jeans may not be priority number one after giving birth, it eventually becomes a necessary evil. But as any mom will tell you, sometimes finding the time, or the energy, to resume your once active lifestyle is going to pose a bigger challenge than before you gave birth. After all, your schedule is a lot different which means carving out some time to exercise or cook healthy meals may be a bit more difficult now. But don’t despair, if you are trying to lose the baby weight, there are many easy and realistic ways that can help you reach your goals. Every mom has a different story to tell on how they lost their baby weight. And while you can admire those celebrity moms who seem to lose all their weight practically overnight, it is certainly not realistic for most new moms. Here are seven real mom tips on losing the baby weight: 1. Any time is good time to exercise: Okay, so you can no longer make your favorite 9:30 a.m. spin class or go for those five-mile runs right after work. but that doesn’t mean you should give up and do nothing. As a mom, you're going to have to learn to make every minute count and that includes your exercise. Even if you only have 20 minutes at some point in the day, you can still get a great workout. Remember, it’s never about how long you exercise, but rather what you do with that time. Don’t be a stickler about your previous routine - it all changes the minute you give birth so whenever the moment presents itself, seize it. Try this great Better Body After Baby Routine! 2. Don’t eat like you're still pregnant: Most women have a hard time controlling their appetite when they're pregnant. A woman’s hormones are so out of whack during pregnancy that you really have no choice than to listen to what your body is saying - within reason, of course. But once you give birth, it’s time to back off the junk food wagon and dessert trail and resume a healthier way of eating like you had in the past. 3. Use the time with your baby as exercise time: If you still can’t find even 10 minutes in the day to exercise, why not use your bonding time with your baby as your workout time? You can put your little one in a secure baby carrier that straps on to either the front or back of you and perform squats, lunges or stair climbs. If it’s nice outside, take your baby for a long walk or run in his or her stroller. You can add some walking lunges or traveling hop squats every few minutes to add some variety. Raining outside? Hold your baby and dance around the house to your favorite tunes. The two of you will both be giggling with excitement. 4. Keep drinking water: You need to stay hydrated even if you're no longer pregnant. If drinking water throughout the day is difficult, make a rule that every diaper change means drinking one cup of water. With all those changes, you will easily get your eight glasses of water in for the day. Check out 26 functional and fabulous water bottles that will blow you out of the water! 5. Find what motivates you: Do you have a wedding, reunion or special occasion on the horizon? There is nothing like a big, formal event to motivate a woman to lose weight. Having a deadline and a goal will give you that extra push and incentive to try and lose what you gained during your pregnancy. Keep reminding yourself about this special event you have as a way to keep you focused on the goal. 6. Join forces with a friend: Everything is better with a friend, or in this case, another new mommy. You most likely both want to lose your baby weight and are going through so many emotions as new moms. The two of you can take long walks with the babies or do some at-home exercises together. You can even take turns watching each other’s babies while the other one goes to the gym or simply wants a longer stretch of uninterrupted time at home to exercise. 7. Plan, prepare and prep: One of the biggest reasons why women in general are able to lose weight and keep it off is because they plan and prep their meals and snacks ahead of time. This means less time worrying about what to eat and making it, and more time for you to spend with your baby. The biggest tip of all is to not stress about losing your baby weight. Being a new mom comes with its own stresses and worries so there is no need to add anything else to that. Simply watch what you eat, try to sneak in some exercise when you can (even if it’s just 10 minutes here and 10 minutes there throughout the day) and stay positive. Remember, you want to lose baby weight, but not lose your mind in the process. Think healthy, be healthy and before you know it, those skinny jeans will be back on before you know it! For more postpartum weight loss and wellness tips, check out New Moms: The Best Way To Get Your Pre-Baby Body Back! Original article and pictures take http://www.skinnymom.com/2014/02/12/7-real-mom-tips-on-losing-the-baby-weight/ site

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