суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

A 20-minute BODYPUMP-inspired full-body barbell workout

A 20-minute BODYPUMP-inspired full-body barbell workout

Maybe you’ve never heard of this thing called “Les Mills BODYPUMP” or maybe you’re a die-hard fan who takes the class several times a week. No matter what, today, I’ve got a workout you can do at any gym, even outside of the group fitness room, all by yourself that has a flavor of BODYPUMP, which we Les Mills fans like to call “the original barbell workout.” You’ll need one barbell with clips and varying weights you can take on or off or various barbells. Heavy for squats, chest, back and legs, and lighter for triceps, biceps and shoulders. If you’re newer to working with a barbell, I’d suggest about 20-30 pounds for the heavy bar and about 10-15 pounds for the light bar, depending on your fitness level. This workout focuses on fatiguing every major muscle group before moving on to the next. You’ll do a lot of repetitions per move with varying tempos to confuse the muscles. And if you don’t normally change your tempos (the speed at which you are performing resistance moves), I’d highly suggest it. It’s a total shock to the system. 20-minute BODYPUMP-inspired full-body barbell workout *Disclaimer: While I’m a personal trainer, I’m not your personal trainer. Please consult a professional before trying a new workout routine. Proceed with caution, my friends. Before you begin, I’d suggest some foam rolling and light cardio to warm up your muscles. You can do some incline walking on the treadmill, jumping jacks, jumping rope, etc. Then stand in front of a mirror, gather up your barbells and a bench and grab a stop-watch. The counts below can be put to music, so if you put your earphones in, choose a moderately upbeat song and follow along with the beat. The 1×1 is a single beat down, single beat up. The 2×2 is two beats down, two beats up and so on. The 4×4 equates to a super-slow movement, four counts down, four counts up, and that one will burn. Don’t cheat! (If you want to pin this workout to save for later, simply hover over the image and click the P for Pinterest!) Make sure you take your time on the super-slow movements to get the most benefit and tire out your muscles. And also please take a 20-30 second rest between each muscle group as you change the weight of your bar. Remember, heavy for lower-body and back, lighter for upper-body. If you’re hitting failure at the end of each move, you’ve chosen the right weight. Here are links to proper form demonstrations for all of the moves … Squats Lying chest presses Deadrows Lying tricep presses Finish up with some stretching, foam rolling and pat yourself on the back. While there’s no replacement for a live in-person BODYPUMP hour-long class with an awesome Les Mills instructor (like me!), great music and energy, sometimes you need a quick routine you can fall back on when BODYPUMP is not an option. But seriously, if you’ve never taken a BODYPUMP class and live near a gym that offers the program, give it a shot. It’s the best! Visit this class locator to find one today. For more short workout routines, check out my Fitness page. Have an awesome day, my fitness-loving friends! Questions of the day How often do you work out with a barbell? What’s the best workout you’ve done lately? Original article and pictures take http://aladygoeswest.com/2015/12/17/a-20-minute-bodypump-inspired-full-body-barbell-workout/?utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_source=pinterest&utm_medium=Ashley&utm_content=A%2020-minute%20BODYPUMP-inspired%20full-body%20barbell%20workout site

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