суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

Build Muscle, not Fat – New Series

Build Muscle, not Fat – New Series
Build Muscle, not Fat - New Series

I am very excited to announce the start of a new series on this blog: What Science says – building lean muscle mass and lose fat at the same time! I will edit this post as I publish all 6 Parts of the series. Each article is pretty long by itself. Especially the first three parts contain a lot of science and I want you to fully understand the physiological processes to use that knowledge to shape our body! There will be little freebies along the way too – meal plan and a workout schedule, so look out for those! If you are subscribed to my newsletter, you might get them a little bit earlier as well… . Also, let me know if you would be interested in a little “Build muscle and burn fat” challenge. I am utilizing the workout and nutrition plan I am going to share with you myself and have seen great progress. However, it takes a lot of patience. Maybe we could all support each other on this journey to a strong, shapely, lean body? Subscribe to the following list to become a part of this challenge! Only this way you will receive weekly workouts and meal plans. Let me know about your thoughts in the comment section below! xoxo 4 Original article and pictures take http://askdeniza.com/build-muscle-not-fat/ site

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