суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

How To Gain Muscle Mass Fast

How To Gain Muscle Mass Fast
How to Gain Muscle Mass Fast: Workout & Diet Plan for Skinny People

Skinny Guys: to get bigger & stronger muscles every 2-to-4 weeks… Do workouts A, B & C below Following 1 of these workout schedules & Use the diet plan on this page Important: Use these 8 tips to Gain Muscle Mass as fast as possible doing Workouts A, B & C If you don't have any weights Use this plan here to build muscle without lifting weights. Fat Guys: See how to get ripped to burn fat & build muscle at the same time. Workout A To Build a Bigger Chest, Shoulders & Triceps… Do ONE exercise from PART 1 for 3-to-6 sets of 5-to-15 reps. Only use weights that are heavy enough to FORCE You to do No More & No Less than 5-to-15 reps per set (see tip #7 below) Optional: Do ONE exercise from PART 2, 3 and/or 4 for 2-to-6 sets of 8-to-25 reps. Only do PART 2, 3 and/or 4 if you want a more intense workout for your chest, shoulder and/or triceps but… PART 1 is all you need to do to build more than enough muscle mass in your chest, shoulders & triceps because the compound exercises in PART 1 work all those muscles at the same time. Part 1 Click Pics for Exercise Tips Optional: Warm-up with progressively heavier weights for 1-to-5 sets of 1-to-5 reps with the ONE exercise you're going to do from PART 1. Do the same exercise from PART 1 for at least 2-to-6 weeks before making a switch. Part 2 - Chest Click Pics for Exercise Tips Part 3 - Shoulders (Side) Click Pics for Exercise Tips Lateral Raises Part 4 - Triceps Click Pics for Exercise Tips Weighted or Bodyweight Dips Overhead Triceps Extensions Dips or Close Grip Bench Presses are the best exercises you can do for bigger triceps because of fast muscle building tip #1 & #2 and Only do Dips if you have not done them already in PART 1 Workout B To Build a Bigger Back & Biceps… Do ONE exercise from PART 1 for 3-to-6 sets of 5-to-15 reps. Only use weights that are heavy enough to FORCE You to do No More & No Less than 5-to-15 reps per set (see tip #7 below) Optional: Do ONE exercise from PART 2, 3 and/or 4 for 2-to-6 sets of 8-to-25 reps. Only do PART 2, 3 and/or 4 if you want a more intense workout for your back & biceps but… PART 1 is all you need to do to build more than enough muscle mass in your back & biceps because the compound exercises in PART 1 work your back and biceps at the same time. Part 1 Click Pics for Exercise Tips Optional: Warm-up with progressively heavier weights for 1-to-5 sets of 1-to-5 reps with the ONE exercise you're going to do from PART 1. Do the same exercise from PART 1 for at least 2-to-6 weeks before making a switch. Part 2 - Biceps Click Pics for Exercise Tips The Close Grip Chin-up is the best exercise you can do for bigger biceps because of fast muscle building tip #1 & #3 Do Close Grip Chin-ups along with any exercise from PART 1 except Lat Pull-down or Any Type of Pull-up or Chin-up to quickly get bigger back & biceps. Part 3 - Traps Click Pics for Exercise Tips Part 4 - Shoulders (Rear) Click Pics for Exercise Tips Workout C To Build Bigger Legs… Do ONE exercise from PART 1 for 4-to-8 sets of 5-to-15 reps and then… Do the 10 minute calf workout 1-to-3 times that day or Do 3-to-6 sets of 12-to-25 calf raises from PART 2 Only use weights that are heavy enough to FORCE You to do No More & No Less than 5-to-15 reps per set (see tip #7 below) Part 1 - Thighs, Butt & Hamstrings Click Pics for Exercise Tips Optional: Warm-up with progressively heavier weights for 1-to-5 sets of 1-to-5 reps with the ONE exercise you're going to do from PART 1. Do the same exercise from PART 1 for at least 2-to-6 weeks before making a switch. Part 2 - Calves Click Pics for Exercise Tips IMPORTANT! Use these 8 tips to Gain Muscle Mass as fast as possible doing Workouts A, B & C 1. Beat Your Last Workout To build muscle as fast as possible YOU HAVE to beat your last workout by either… Using heavier weights but only using weights heavy enough to ONLY allow you to do the recommend number of reps and/or… Doing more reps but no more than 15 reps per set (unless you're using a Fast Muscle Building Trick or an isolation exercise) and/or… Doing more sets but no more than 6 sets. Here's an example of how you would get bigger & stronger legs by increasing the weights, reps and/or sets each workout doing squats… Workout 1: Squats 135 lbs. for 8 reps on all 4 sets Workout 2: Squats 135 lbs. for 10 reps on all 4 sets Workout 3: Squats 150 lbs. for 8 reps on all 5 sets Workout 4: Squats 165 lbs. for 6 reps on all 6 sets A bigger muscle is a stronger muscle so if you do not continually try to beat your last workout your muscles won't get that much bigger. 2. Or Beat Each Set Instead of waiting until your next workout… Try to beat each set in your current workout by using heavier weights and/or more reps EACH SET. Here's an example of how you would get a bigger & stronger chest by beating each set in a workout by using more weight and/or reps each set of bench presses… Set 1: Bench presses 200 lbs. for 10 reps Set 2: Bench presses 205 lbs. for 10 reps Set 3: Bench presses 210 lbs. for 8 reps Set 4: Bench presses 220 lbs. for 8 reps Set 5: Bench presses 225 lbs. for 6 reps Set 6: Bench presses 235 lbs. for 6 reps 3. Keep a Workout Log Make sure you keep a workout log so you'll know exactly how much weight, reps and/or sets you need to do to beat your last workout because Your muscles will not get bigger & stronger doing the same exact workout over & over using the same amount of weights, reps & sets. Use 1 of these workout logs… NowLoss.com workout log (printable) Bodybuilding.com workout log (printable) My Workout Journal (android app) JeFIT - Workout,Fitness,GymLog (android app) 4. Watch This Video The video above explains perfectly why you need to get stronger or attempt to beat your last workout in order for your muscles to get bigger. 5. You Won't Always Win As you get stronger it gets tougher to lift heavier weights, do more reps and/or sets each time you workout so you'll have workouts where you're unable to beat your last workout and when that happens… 6. Use Fast Muscle Building Tricks Use 1 of these 16 fast muscle building tricks once you start having a tough time beating your last workout - for example… Use drop sets, forced reps and/or rest-pause to do more reps. Use pause reps or squeeze reps to make each rep more intense. Use pre-exhaust or negative pre-exhaust to focus more on building muscle in a certain area. Note the usage of any fast muscle building trick in your workout log. 7. Not TOO Heavy or TOO Light When doing the compound exercises for 5-to-15 reps per set from part 1 of Workouts A, B & C make sure you are using a weight that is NOT TOO HEAVY or NOT TOO LIGHT so… If you feel you can do way more than 15 reps with the weight you're using then that weight is too light to help you build muscle &… If you can't do at least 3-to-5 reps with almost perfect form then that weight is TOO HEAVY to help you build muscle. 8. Rest It doesn't matter how often you workout when you're trying to gain muscle as long as you're using the progressive overload trick where you get stronger everytime you workout but to build muscle as fast as possible… Workout the same muscle once every 36-to-72 hours because after your workout that's about how long it takes your muscles to repair, recover & rebuild into a bigger & stronger muscle ready to beat the next workout Every 2-to-8 weeks Take 1-to-2 weeks off especially if you have not been able to beat your last workout for 2-to-3 workouts in a row. Your Workout Schedule Pick 1 of the 6 schedules that's best for you 1. Four Day Cycle Do workout A on day 1, Workout B on day 2 & Workout C on day 3. REST on day 4 & Repeat the 4 day cycle on Day 5. About 24 workouts a month. Workouts A, B & C can be done in any order. 2. Five Day Cycle Do workout A on day 1, Workout B on day 2 & Workout C on day 3. REST on days 4 & 5. Repeat the 5 day cycle on Day 6. About 18 workouts a month. Workouts A, B & C can be done in any order. 3. Six Day Cycle Do workout A on day 1, Workout B on day 2 & Workout C on day 3. REST on days 4, 5 & 6. Repeat the 6 day cycle on Day 7. About 15 workouts a month. Workouts A, B & C can be done in any order. 4. Seven Day Cycle Do workout A on day 1, Workout B on day 2 & Workout C on day 3. REST on days 4-thru-7. Repeat the 7 day cycle on Day 8 or the next week. About 12 workouts a month. Workouts A, B & C can be done in any order. 5. Once a Week Just like the 7 day cycle but you pick any three days of the week. For example You may do Workout A on Monday, Workout B on Wednesday & Workout C on Friday 6. Make Your Own Schedule Do workouts A, B & C no more than 2 days per week (see why) taking at least 2 days off before doing the same workout again so If you did Workout A on Monday then wait until at least Thursday before doing it again. You could workout 2 days a week by doing 2 workouts in ONE day (by doing workout A in the morning & workout B in the evening for example) while doing workout C on another day of the week. You could workout 2 times a day, 3 days week by doing part 1 of any workout in the morning and then do part 2 in the evening. Diet Plan To Gain Muscle Mass To see exactly how you need to eat to gain muscle… Put in your height, weight, age & your activity level before starting this plan and then Click the button that says "Tell me how to gain muscle mass" Do those 5 important things & you'll gain more muscle mass every 2-to-4 weeks He Gained 23 kgs (40+ pounds) of Muscle! Hello Adrian! I don't know if you remember me from your blog when I started working out 2 years ago, but anyways you said i should send you some pics from before and after. Since I got a lot of stuff I made one pic from lots of others. I even put a textual explanation of everything I went through. Since I started your workouts I gained 23 kilograms of pure muscle and I can only say thank you cause your workout changed my life and I finally feel good about myself. You gave me confidence and strength and gain a loyal student.Thank you, Juraj Marcekovic , Croatia More Tips Original article and pictures take http://www.nowloss.com/how-to-gain-muscle-mass-lose-fat-fast-at-same-time.htm site

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