суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

How to get a body like Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman

How to get a body like Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman

Introducing Luke Istomin. He personally trained Hugh Jackman for his Wolverine role, and has also trained Nicole Kidman, Nicole Richie and Nicole Trunfio. He’s put Leonardo DiCaprio through his paces as well as Ricky Martin, Joel Madden, Liev Schrieber, Tobey Maguire and Ryan Reynolds. So he knows how to build muscle and add bulk, but is also a specialist in streamlining the body and creating a long, lithe physique. One of Istomin’s clients, Hugh Jackman. This week, we share Luke’s no-fail program to put you on the path to a celebrity-honed body. Whether it’s better health, fitness or wanting to fit into your jeans that’s spurring you on, check back in daily over the next seven days to be given the next instalment of the FREE program. Even easier: pop in your email address and we will email the articles directly to your inbox. Seven stories over seven days will give you a fitness and nutrition program you can use for life on repeat. WORKOUT 1 Focus: Upper Body Strength work. Today’s workout is a HIIT (high intensity interval training) based workout that can be done anywhere with zero equipment. Elevating your heart rate over an interval period, with intense bursts of energy alternated with a short rest period, raises your EPOC (exercise post-oxygen consumption, unofficially known as “afterburn”), and that helps you burn more kilojoules for longer, post exercise. These exercises should be done as hard as you can for 45 seconds, and then rest for 15. So 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off. This ratio is ideal for general fitness. A super fit person might go for a 50:10 ratio. An absolute beginner could do 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off. The workout should be challenging but you shouldn’t exercise to pain or discomfort. If you have any pre-existing conditions please see your doctor before commencing. Exercise 1 Four high knee runs on the spot, plus two lateral hops High knee runs: Pump hands as you run on the spot, lifting knees to waist level. Lateral hops: Hop twice on the right leg, lifting knee to waist height, hop twice on the left leg. Repeat these two exercises for 45 seconds then break for 15 seconds. Exercise 2 Push up pyramid plus eight mountain climbers Push up Separate hands shoulder width, advanced go on toes, beginners on knees. Strengthen entire body, especially the core, and lower your body by bending your elbows. Push back up. Mountain climbers Hands directly under shoulders, bend one knee forward to the chest, and continue to alternate legs in a running motion. Sequence: One push up, eight mountain climbers, two push ups, eight mountain climbers, three pushups, eight mountain climbers. Continue, upping the push up every round for 45 seconds on, 15 second break before the next exercise. Your goal is to match the number you do in the first round, every round. Exercise 3 Dive bombers Start in downward dog, tighten muscles in body especially core, roll body forwards to upward dog. Continue for 45 seconds, break for 15. Exercise 4 Superman reaches Description: Lay on your front, face down. Bend elbows at 90 degrees. Raise hands, face, chest and feet off the ground and extend arms forward, then pull arms back to lower to starting position, squeezing your scapula. Squeeze your bum, legs, core throughout the exercise. HOW MANY TIMES? Run through this workout 4 times through. This will be 16 minutes. If you’re a beginner, you can get away with three laps. You are trying to go as hard as possible for a short duration. The idea being that 12-20 minutes is how hard you can work out for. Work as hard as you can in each exercise – to your maximum effort. WHO LOVED IT? Kate Walsh loved this workout because it was effective and quick. HIIT workouts burn through energy during the workout and also raise the after-burn effect for hours afterwards. Post workout is the best time to eat starchy carbs or sugar, for example, your fruit. So do this before brekky or lunch. These are the workouts that make you earn your carbs. I take most of my clients through this type of workout. WANT MORE? For the next instalment of Luke Istomin’s free fitness and nutrition program, check back into the Juice Daily tomorrow. About the person who wrote this Follow Me: Luke Istomin is the co-founder of F45 Training and Australia's most in-demand celebrity trainer. His new project is www.lifeonline.com.au and is the result of Luke's passion and dedication of informing the globe the benefits of implementing some effective training and nutrition principles to help achieve higher levels of performance in all areas of your life. Original article and pictures take http://www.juicedaily.com.au/fitness/how-to-get-a-body-like-hugh-jackman-or-nicole-kidman/ site

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