суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

How to Lose Fat and Create Muscle

How to Lose Fat and Create Muscle

How to Lose Fat and Create Muscle Have a diverse training program! Never only do just cardio. The treadmill, elliptical and jogging are great for keeping the heart healthy but shouldn’t make up the bulk of your routine if you’re trying to tone up and lower body fat percentage. If you do enough cardio, you may in fact lose weight, but your body composition and muscle mass won’t change much. Trying to lose weight strictly by doing cardio won’t help you build the muscle you need to maintain the weight loss in the long run. Solution: Weight Lift and vary the cardio you do. You always want to introduce new routines and challenges to the body so it will keep transforming. For example, instead of the treadmill or jogging, try weighted jumping jacks with 5-10 lb weights, weighted punches, jumprope, box jumps and burpees, or sprints! These are all way more efficient that the treadmill. Also, pick 3-4 strength-training exercises and do them back to back without rest. This will serve as both cardio and weight training. Never only lift weights! If you only lift weights and refuse to do cardio, you may have a hard time losing weight. You need a diverse routine that includes weight training done in a circuit style (back to back fashion with minimal rest) to get your cardio in at the same time. Also, do basic movements in a fast explosive fashion so that it will count as high intensity cardio. Some of my favorites are jump squats, jumping lunges, tuck jumps, jump squat burpees, and fast feet. Drink enough water. Cut out all sodas, especially “diet” sodas, along with sugar drinks. We should consume a little less than 3 liters or a gallon of water a day depending on how active we are. Water flushes the body of toxins, boost metabolism and acts as an appetite suppressant when you drink a glass right before a meal. Add lime, lemon or grapefruit juice for additional cleansing benefits. Eat 4-5 meals a day. Spread out healthy portions every 3-4 hours. Make sure you get the right amount of protein, veggies, and fiber on your plate. The biggest mistakes when it comes to weight lose and toning is eating only once or two big meals a day, skipping breakfast, and eating empty calories. Workout smart. Be effective in your workouts. Don’t passively take breaks anytime you feel like it. Make everything time sensitive. Work past the burn, never stop the first rep you feel the burn. Work hard for 40 minutes and you should be in and out! Online training program coming in two weeks ! Original article and pictures take http://www.shantelmendez.com/lose-fat-create-muscle/ site

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