суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

Is Deer Antler Spray Legal in the U.S., U.K., Canada or Australia

Is Deer Antler Spray Legal in the U.S., U.K., Canada or Australia

Is deer antler spray legal in the U.S., U.K., Canada or Australia? Even though deer antler products are natural and organic, there is still much confusion over their safety and legality. For many people, any type of muscle-building growth factor is synonymous with steroids, the artificial anabolic stimulants which are well-known to be highly dangerous. Deer antler is widely considered safe, and may deliver some similar results. But is there a legal difference between steroids and deer antler spray? Can you get banned from competition as an athlete if you use this product? The following is a summary of recent rulings on deer antler products, notable sports bans, and a benefit analysis of the main ingredient in the sprays, Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1). The Infamous Deer Antler Spray Ban Deer antler spray first appeared in the popular consciousness on the heels of a well-publicized battle over legality within professional sports. Here is a breakdown of how three major posts agencies have played a role in the debate over deer antler sprays: WADA – The World Anti-Doping Agency serves as a watchdog for unfair use of performance enhancing drugs across all sports, including the Olympics. The agency works in partnership with local law enforcement to ensure that athletes do not use dangerous substances which might give them an athletic advantage or tarnish the integrity of sporting competition. WADA initially included deer antler products in a blanket ban on all growth hormones, including steroids and IGF-1. NFL – Football hero and Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis was identified in an investigative journalism profile which appeared in Sports Illustrated as having used the spray. Critics maintained that Lewis’ quick recovery from a torn shoulder muscle in time for the 2013 Super Bowl was the unfair result of performance enhancing drugs. Lewis denied the allegation at first, though a prominent manufacturer of the spray confirmed his purchase. PGA – Vijay Singh, one of professional golf’s most famous and revered players, admitted to using deer antler spray daily. Singh has already won $67 million through the sport. When the PGA launched a defamatory investigation into Singh’s supplement use, he counter-sued claiming he had not violated any rules of the sport. This was one of the first major doping scandals to hit the sport of golf, bringing the question of whether deer antler spray should be legal to the national level. Top Deer Antler Extract Latest Ruling by WADA After these two high profile cases hit the media, WADA launched a new scientific investigation into deer antler extract sprays. The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether there was merit in continuing to ban these products. It concluded that not enough growth factor in the form of IGF-1 was being delivered by the spray to constitute a breach of doping rules. After this finding the floodgates opened and players in all major league sports were free to use the spray as they pleased, without fear of stigma or professional repercussions/fines. For more information on why players use deer antler spray, click here. The question of is deer antler spray legal is still unaddressed by these rulings, which are not the same as U.S. criminal law. For that, we need to consult the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Did the FDA Ban Deer Antler Spray? Is deer antler spray legal for use by the general public? First we must look at the legality of its main ingredient, IGF-1, which is only legal with the supervision of doctor, in the form of a prescription. All growth hormones are treated as Schedule III narcotics by the US government, due to their potential for abuse and the side effects which come from overdosing. This classification is compounded by the need to inject steroids and IGF-1 for maximum targeted results. Needle use is not only problematic from a practical standpoint for regular supplementation, it carries a stigma of more serious drug abuse in mainstream culture. Doctors will prescribe these compounds for cases of physical therapy from extreme injury and severe growth deficiencies, but not much else. However, taking IGF-1 in the form of deer antler spray is indeed legal. It is considered a dietary supplement by the FDA, which is not subject to easy overdose or abuse. The secret is the delivery method. While the FDA has not specifically approved Deer Antler Extract as a Generally Regarded as Safe compound, it has not yet made any effort to ban the sale of the product. IGF-1 Safety and Efficacy How are deer antler sprays still able to deliver results if the FDA does not consider them potent enough to regulate? The spray is effective because it is able to bypass digestion through sublingual administration and travel straight into the blood stream. Normally, fragile growth factor hormones like HGH, DHEA, and artificial steroids are destroyed by harsh acids in the stomach. This is why they must be injected to be effective. However, micro-mist sprays of any substance can also enter the bloodstream through tiny capillaries under the tongue. This is the same reason why homeopathic pills are dissolved under the tongue. To find out more about potency of various methods of supplementation, consult this article. Deer antler spray is legal to use if you live in the United States, Canada, the UK, Australia and many other countries. It is also not currently banned by WADA and can be used by most amateur and professional athletes. If you want to find out if deer antler spray is right for your fitness goals, check out the benefits of the spray in this related weightlifting article.. If the supplement sounds appealing, it can be legally purchased from reputable online supplement vendors, and consumed safely every day. Original article and pictures take http://nootriment.com/is-deer-antler-spray-legal/?utm_content=buffer06e70&utm_medium=social&utm_source=pinterest.com&utm_campaign=buffer site

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