суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

Milk experiment – week 3

Milk experiment – week 3

Three weeks have passed since I started what many of my friends think is a very strange diet; drinking two litres of milk a day. Why on earth do that? Well, I’m looking to find out whether it helps aid weight gain and how easily it can be done. Check at the other blogs for some more information on why I feel compelled to drink three and half pints of milk a day, just click on the links below: Week 1 Last week I spoke about the issue I’m having with my left shoulder and how it has caused me to limit my exercising a fair bit. Today I received the results from the x-ray I had last week and found out I have a mild widening of the acromioclavicular joint with possible subluxation. Now, for most people that won’t make much sense (including me) but apparently, in very basic terms, it means there is too much movement in my left shoulder/collarbone area which could represent a partial dislocation. I’m due to see the physio again next week so hopefully we can come up with a plan to help fix it without having to go down the surgery/injection! So, I’m still sticking to only exercising abs and legs at the gym and will continue to until I’m told otherwise. This means I’m not burning quite as many calories as I had been with my previous workout routine, so that may help aid weight gain a bit more. Starting weight: 62.5kg In last week’s update I mentioned how I was lacking in motivation, feeling a little frustrated by my shoulder and its impacted it was having, but fortunately that subsided these past seven days. I’ve realised it’s probably a good thing to spend some time focusing purely on my core and legs! I also learnt my lesson from last week and have spread out the amount of milk I drink, leaving larger breaks in between each serving. So this week a typical day looked like this: The only thing I’ve really felt myself complain about this week is having to log food. Although I do think MyFitnessPal, and other calorie counter apps, are a superb tool, having to add everything you eat to it can get a little tedious at times. Especially when you aren’t cooking for yourself and have to try and guesstimate the amount of food you’ve consumed! So, it can sometimes take the fun out of eating, but at the same time I find it incredibly helpful in ensuring you stick to a daily calorie goal, something that has to be done when looking to gain or lose weight! The good news is I’ve been heartburn and stomach ache free, whilst I’ve also found that my drinking of two litres of milk a day is starting to become part of my daily routine and feels more natural now. But most notably I have put on weight again. This week I gained 0.4kg taking my total up to 62.9kg, it’s a little less than last week’s gain of 0.5kg but I’ll still take it! I put on 0.4kg My motivation is back. Drinking the two litres is becoming quite a habit now. My love for milk is back, stronger than ever… ish. Logging food is getting a little tedious. I’m still having to use the toilet a lot (can’t do too much about that though!). The cost of two litres of milk a day is starting to add up. Let me know what you think of the experiment over on twitter or feel free to send me an email at daniel@redplanetnutrition.com! End of week two weight: 62.5kg End of week three weight: 62.9kg Keep reading below for this week’s high calorie, easy meal… This week’s meal is great for those days when you get back from work and are way too tired to whip up a fancy meal. Rather than just having an omelette or some beans on toast, try this high calorie, easy to make meal. What you’ll need is: 100g of Pasta 75mls of double cream 3 rashers of bacon 1 onion 50gs of mushrooms (optional) A tablespoon of olive oil Begin by heating the olive oil in a large frying pan and chopping up the onion and mushrooms. Add the onion and cook until it starts to brown. Then cut up (easiest with scissors) the bacon rashers into small pieces and add to the pan along with the mushrooms, stirring every so often until the bacon is cooked to your desired taste. Whilst the bacon is cooking, put the 100gs of pasta into a saucepan, add hot water and start to cook on the hob. Add the cream into the frying pan, stir well and leave to simmer until the pasta is finished. This meal is somewhat of a student throw together but it’s super easier and quick to make whilst giving you 950 calories with 39gs of protein, 89gs of carbs and only 8gs of sugar. You can mix it up too, throwing in some curry powder to help liven in it up! Original article and pictures take http://www.redplanetnutrition.com/milk-experiment-week-3/ site

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